
COVID-19 Guidance For Sport

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Firstly, we hope you are all staying safe in these difficult and unprecedented times. Our aim in this communication is to update you on the work Jersey Sport is doing to help sports but also to play a part in the fight against coronavirus. You will find updated guidance for sports organisations in the table below.

As we embark on the second day of ‘stay at home’, Jersey Sport appreciates that the Government have recognised the need to allow people some time outside the house to exercise daily.  We have no doubt the sports sector will get right behind this privilege and will do all it can to encourage people to act responsibly and adhere fully to the guidance for exercising. 

Sport in Jersey is run by exceptional teams of volunteers; people who, week in, week out, go out of their way to help others; many of whom are already stepping forward to offer their services to help the island overcome this devastating crisis. 

The Government of Jersey has launched the Connect Me initiative to link those that wish to volunteer with those looking for help and support.  Sport has so many highly experienced volunteers that can fulfil vital roles so please share this link with your members and encourage them, where they can, to sign up and help. 

To help the island, we are redeploying Jersey Sport delivery staff to schools to help with Easter holiday provision for the children of essential and critical workers. This redeployment is likely to continue on an ongoing basis to help with school staff shortages during term time.  Jersey Sport team members are also being encouraged to volunteer.  As a sector, we can all use our skills in different ways to support the effort against COVID-19.

Over the last couple of weeks many different sports bodies have been in contact with us and some common themes have emerged.  In addition to the health and wellbeing of members, team mates, families, friends and the community, the immediate issues concerning some sports committees and business owners seem to be around rent payments, employees and the impact on freelance coaches and instructors. 

We are in continuous dialogue with the Government of Jersey and the Assistant Minister responsible for Sport, Senator Steve Pallett, to discuss the impact of COVD-19 on sports. As a result, we have negotiated some immediate measures to help which are detailed below. 

We will continue to provide regular updates and if you wish to discuss any concerns you have regarding the impact of COVID-19 on your sport our contact details are below.

Click here for links:

Support for Businesses

Guidance for Businesses (Jersey Business)

(Freelance) Support for Businesses

Coronavirus Tax Help

Here is a reminder of our Jersey Sport contacts, should you wish to discuss the issues surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19) for your sport:

  • James Tilley, Sports Partnership Manager, 757710
  • Catriona McAllister, CEO, 757714

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