Wednesday 11 September 2024
Jersey Sport are asking islanders to GET INVOLVED and ZUMBA!
“Jersey Sport is today surprised and disappointed to learn that outdoor adult sport will not be permitted until Monday 8th March 2021, some two weeks after the opening of cafes and restaurants.
However, we welcome the return of under 18 outdoor sport from Wednesday 17th February, and the assurance that a reconnection plan will be developed to return indoor sport and exercise.
Despite having a lower risk categorisation, it is difficult to understand why outdoor adult sport will not be returned before, or at the same time as indoor hospitality. It is also difficult to comprehend why some indoor sport and exercise disciplines could not have been given a date for returning, when cafes and restaurants have been.
We fully understand the need for a phased return, and to get the economy moving again, but we are disappointed that a similar emphasis does not seem to have been placed on the well-being Islanders can derive from playing sport and being active.
Jersey Sport will request an urgent dialogue with Ministers and seek detailed reasoning for how this decision was reached. As always, we will let you have any updated information as soon as we receive it.
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for the considerable time and effort you put into sport in Jersey. I can assure you that the Jersey Sport Board and Officers are working tirelessly to ensure the voice of sport is properly heard in these challenging times.”
Phil Austin MBE, Chairman of Jersey Sport