Monday 10 March 2025
Jersey Sport launches Volunteer Recognition Scheme
(Issued by Government of Jersey)
The Sports Consultancy Group has been established by the Assistant Minister responsible for Sport, Senator Steve Pallett, as a forum for Jersey’s key sporting organisations to exchange ideas and lead sport locally through Covid 19 and beyond.
The group, which includes representatives from the Government of Jersey’s Sports Facilities Team, Jersey Sport, the Commonwealth Games Association, the Island Games Association and the Jersey Sports Council, will work collaboratively to help Islanders to get back to sport and physical activity as the Island comes out of lockdown.
Senator Pallett said: “All forms of exercise which put people in close contact have been severely restricted but, as a result, there has been a noticeable increase in walking, running, cycling and sea swimming during lockdown. The Sport Consultancy Group will support Islanders back into their chosen sport or physical activity in a safe way, and encourage those people who’ve started something new during lockdown to continue to exercise as we move through the levels of Jersey’s Safe Exit Framework.
“I thank Jersey Sport and Public Health policy officers for preparing the detailed guidance that clubs and associations will need to safely restart their sports, and I believe it’s important the Sports Consultancy Group have the opportunity to influence future direction. One of this Government’s strategic priorities is to improve Islanders’ wellbeing and mental and physical health. This group can be a more direct and coordinated link between Jersey’s Government and sporting community, helping us to become a healthier Island.”
While changing rooms, showers and other facilities will not be permitted to open, there will be opportunities for some sports to begin again under Level Two of the Safe Exit Framework, which it’s anticipated will start on Friday, 12 June. Initially, the Sport Consultancy Group will support the detailed guidelines prepared by Jersey Sport and Public Health and help to communicate the information to the wider sports community.
Catriona McAllister, Jersey Sport’s CEO, said: “Since the start of the pandemic, we have been working closely with Government to understand what each level of the Safe Exit Framework means for people returning to sport, and have developed detailed guidance for the participation in both indoor and outdoor sports at Level Two.
“We have ensured that each level of sport has detailed guidance and support, and understands what the guidelines mean for them, and what they can prepare to do safely, and at Level Two we can start to see some sports return to meaningful activity.
“The increase in numbers for structured gatherings, and the opening of indoor facilities for low-intensity physical activity, is a significant step forward for the return of sport, and we continue to work closely with the sports, Senator Pallett and Public Health to establish the detailed guidance and support needed for the return of competitive sport as an integral part of island life.”
Clubs and associations can get Jersey Sport’s Guidance for Sport for Level Two, and obtain more advice about how it applies to their sport by visiting
We are pleased to share with you the finalised draft versions of the Government of Jersey guidance for indoor and outdoor sport and recreation that will form the basis of discussions this week ahead of the proposed launch of level 2 on Friday 12th June.
These documents will be live on shortly, but we can share a preview with you here:
Level 2 Business Advice for Outdoor Sports (draft)
Level 2 Business Advice for Indoor Sports (draft)
Read the draft guidance for sport here:
Level 2 Guidance For Sports (draft)
These documents have been developed with Public Health Policy, MoH and Jersey Sport and include some significant easing of restrictions, which is positive for restarting several sporting activities.
They come with the strong caveat that they remain in draft but will provide a good indication for the sports sector. If you have any specific comments please do get in touch and we will pass them on to the public health policy team for their consideration. Please email comments to:
This guidance must also be read in the context of overall business guidance and public health advice and any other relevant pieces of guidance, for example: retail indoor workplaces.