Jersey Sport is delighted to announce that an additional £175,000 has been made available to our existing Travel Grants programme.
Following the adoption of the amended P.82/2024 by the States Assembly last year, up to £300,000 will be available to sport organisations in 2025 for the purpose of off-island travel.
This is the largest sum since the inception of Jersey Sport in 2017, and provides further support for individuals taking part in a higher level of training or competition than is available on-Island.
The 2025 grant also includes broader eligibility criteria, to enable applications from previously ineligible organisations or excluded organisations, to apply.
Due to the proximity of Jersey Sport’s Travel Grant initial application deadline (31 January), the organisation has extended the application window until 14 February, to encourage applications from sport organisations who may not have yet engaged with the process.
Constable Andy Jehan, Assistant Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, with responsibility for sport, said: “Off-island training and competition remains a vital part of the athlete-development pathway, and I am pleased that more islanders will be able to benefit from financial support.
“With increased funds and a more streamlined application process, this redesigned scheme will alleviate some of the burden faced by our athletes each year, and increase the chance of them reaching their goals.”
Libby Barnett, Sport Programmes Manager at Jersey Sport, said: “This increased funding is warmly welcomed by Jersey Sport. Having distributed Travel Grant funding since 2018, we have been acutely aware of the demand and stresses placed on our previous funding budgets which resulted in less impactful sums of money being distributed to sports. With this new resource, alongside our newly launched and streamlined application process, we are confident that our re-designed Travel Grant will be able to meet the demands of sport organisations and their members in a much more meaningful manner.”
To find out more about our Travel Grants, our eligibility criteria, and how to apply for funding in 2025, please visit