
Duty of Care in Sport Review

Thursday 1 June 2017

Jersey Sport welcomes the release of Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson’s independent Duty of Care in Sport Review which was released in April 2017.

The aim of the review, launched in 2016, was to develop a comprehensive plan for how government and sport more effectively looks after participants, whether at grassroots or elite level. The review covers a series of themes (education, transition, safeguarding, mental welfare, equality, the participant’s voice, safety, injury and medical issues) and has led to a list of recommendations.

Since the publication of the report, Jersey Sport has been working with partners to implement some those recommendations including:

  • Concussion protocols – St John Ambulance Jersey have updated their first aid course for sports clubs to include how to manage head injuries and concussion
  • Anti-doping education – Jersey Sport offers Clean Sport education to clubs and associations and Jersey Clubmark clubs will now have to adopt a clean sport policy
  • Jersey Sport is working closely with the Safeguarding Partnership Board on a variety of safeguarding issues

Duty of Care in Sport review –

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