Thursday 29 August 2024
Jersey Sport seek a new Chair to lead their Board of Directors
Jersey Sport has carefully reviewed the new guidance in Jersey’s Safe Exit Framework (Level 3) to consider the impact and opportunities for sport.
We understand you’ll have many questions, so this document (click link below) should provide some clarity, guidance and support. As ever, if you wish to discuss the implications for your specific sport, club or organisation, please contact us directly.
CV-19 – Guidance for Sports Organisations 11 May 2020
There are currently no specific timelines for the reintroduction of sports, so we advise you to constantly monitor the latest advice from the Government of Jersey.
Physical distancing is likely to remain in force for many months, leading to a ‘new normal’ which will require some sports and clubs to get creative and adapt accordingly. As has been the message throughout, always exercise responsibly and follow the Government of Jersey’s latest health advice.
When your sports committee is feeling the pressure to make tough decisions please remember other clubs or organisations are likely to be facing similar situations. Jersey Sport is here for you and we will do our best to help, point you in the right direction or to connect you with other sports or clubs who may be in a similar situation, or just be on the end of the phone to help chat things through.
Your contact:
James Tilley, Head of Sport, Schools and Business.
01534 757710