
Disability in Sport: Jersey Sport info & drop-in session


An opportunity to chat informally with us about what equality, diversity and inclusion looks like, or could look like, in your sport.

About this event

As part of our focus to promote a ‘theme’ of Safe and Sustainable Sport each month, we are kick starting March by highlighting Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Sport.

We are hosting a “drop-in” session in the Buenos Aires room at Santander Work Café (first floor) with our Sports Partnership Officer and Disability & Inclusion Officer on 29th March. Any time between 11am – 3pm, we would love for you to drop-in and chat to us about what equality, diversity and inclusion looks like in your sport, and support any ideas you have to enhance this.

Some questions that might help:

– What sporting opportunities do you currently offer?

– Do you accommodate sport for a diverse range of our community, or have the capacity to adapt to meet the needs of an individual?

– How can you enhance your offer to make your sport more accessible?

Whether you already offer ‘sport for all’ or would like support to do so, our Jersey Sport team are on hand and willing to help. Please drop-in to chat to us and see how we can help you.

On our website, you can find information, resources and training that are available to improve and enhance your current offer in line with our recommended practice. To find out more information, check our social channels and website about how to get involved with our latest events:


11:00am - 03:00pm


Santander Work Café

Additional info

For more information regarding Jersey Sport events or training sessions please contact us at