
Sportability sessions part of Jersey Sport holiday programme for first time

Friday 22 February 2019

For the first time, Jersey Sport is introducing a holiday activity camp specifically for children with disabilities or additional special educational needs.

The Sportability Fun Week will run over four days during the Easter holidays, giving participants the opportunity to have fun and to play with others while trying a variety of sports and activities.

It follows a trial event at FB Fields last year and a run of sessions over a series of weekends at Langford. Each two-hour session this Easter – in the Queen’s Hall at Fort Regent – will have a different theme, with each day run by qualified and passionate coaches.

“It’s fantastic that we’re able to provide a specific holiday provision for children with disabilities, this is something that we’ve been working towards and will continue to develop,” said Jersey Sport’s Community Programmes Officer Dan Garton.

“We have Sport Scotland coming over to deliver further training to staff in early April in preparation for the Easter holidays. We welcome all children with physical and learning needs to our fun sessions and there’ll be a very welcoming environment throughout.”

There are courses for children aged 6-10 and 11-15. For more details and to book a space please CLICK HERE.

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