Wednesday 11 September 2024
Jersey Sport are asking islanders to GET INVOLVED and ZUMBA!
Sports groups have a duty to protect their young members, giving them a safe place to enjoy the excitement that playing sport can bring.
But how aware are you of the potential risks of abuse, and to what extent do you understand your role and responsibility in safeguarding children at your club?
Coaches, officials and volunteers in sport in Jersey are invited to free courses being put on by Jersey Sport over the next few weeks to explain more.
By the end of the evening the participants on the Child Foundation Safeguarding in Sport course should be able to:
• Define what is meant by the terms ‘Safeguarding’ and ‘Child Protection’
• Recognise how society’s beliefs, values and attitudes towards children and child abuse have changed over time
• List the four main categories of abuse as well as their signs and indicators
• Identify at least five barriers that prevent children and young people from being effectively safeguarded
• Respond effectively to concerns about the safety and welfare of a child/young person following their organisation and SPB Policy and Procedures
• Identify and recognise good coaching practice and the implications for your coaching
Robust safeguarding policies and training are an essential requirement for clubs looking to attain Clubmark status and the new Travel Grant application process asks for confirmation that such policies are in place.
Attendees need to register in advance via this Eventbrite link: Child Foundation Safeguarding courses.
There are spaces on all three of the courses, scheduled for Fort Regent as follows:
If you can’t make these dates and times, details of future safeguarding courses will be published on the Events page of this website in due course.