
Level 2 COVID-19 Guidance For Sport – LATEST UPDATE

Thursday 25 June 2020

This latest guidance includes the following updates relating to sport and physical activity in Level 2 of Jersey’s Safe Exit Framework:

Physical distancing is changed from 2m to 1m on 26 June 2020.


All the remaining Level 2 guidance remains in place including restricting indoor activity to moderate levels or below.

These changes are in advance of Level 1 of the Safe Exit Framework which is expected to begin in early July 2020.

Level 1 guidance is being developed by the Government of Jersey and Jersey Sport who are exploring how to safely resume the aspects of sport and physical activity that currently are advised against on public health grounds.

In particular, we are reviewing the current guidance around how indoor activity above moderate intensity might be safely resumed.

We look forward to sharing the guidance for comment as soon as possible. At all times, please follow the Government of Jersey’s health advice.

As always, if you wish to contact us regarding your specific sport, club or association, please email or call:

James Tilley
Head of Sport, Schools and Business

01534 757710

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