
Jersey Sport, in collaboration with EY and Liberate, encourages everyone to GET INVOLVED and show support for PRIDE IN SPORT!

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Jersey Sport is proud to be working in collaboration with EY and Liberate again this September to celebrate PRIDE IN SPORT. The initiative throughout the month aims to raise awareness and tackle the issues of racism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and sexism in sport.

Racism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, sexism and other prejudicial language can all too often be dismissed as ‘banter’. The words we use matter and make the difference between an inclusive space or one that feels exclusive and intimidating for people from minority groups.

We’re committed to creating an environment where everyone feels like they belong. It’s only when people feel truly accepted, that they can perform at their best.

During September, we’re asking as many sports people as possible to show their support by wearing rainbow laces, sweatbands or headbands during their sporting activity and to share their photos across social media using the hashtag #PrideInSport. Wearing rainbow merchandise in support of PRIDE IN SPORT demonstrates a commitment to help make local sport an inclusive and discrimination-free space.

Thanks to sponsors EY, sports organisations can collect their rainbow merchandise from Jersey Sport HQ, at the FB Fields, St Clement, from 09:00-16:00, Monday-Friday throughout September, whilst stocks last.

Francis Malaspina, a Partner at EY in Jersey, said: “We are committed to fostering inclusivity across all spheres, including the workplace, homes, and communities. Sport unites us, and we believe that high performance is achieved when people can be their authentic selves. We are proud to continue supporting Pride in Sport and hope to encourage sports teams and events to promote awareness and inclusivity for the LGBTQIA+ community.”

In support of PRIDE IN SPORT, Jersey Sport will be holding a FREE Lunch and Learn session, in partnership with Liberate, to assist local sports volunteers to promote diversity, inclusion and equality within their sport settings and encourage positive change. This informal workshop will be held on 17 September from 12:10-12:50 at Jersey Library and can be booked by visiting the Jersey Sport website:

Sports organisations can also find a wealth of resources surrounding inclusive sport and how an inclusive and welcoming environment can be created for all members, at all levels, in the Jersey Sport online RESOURCE BANK:

Libby Barnett, Sports Programmes Manager at Jersey Sport said: “So many people know and celebrate the many benefits that sport brings to our community, but some islanders who identify as LGBTQIA+ feel there are barriers preventing them from enjoying these settings as much as others. PRIDE IN SPORT is an opportunity to highlight sport’s power and ability to welcome all islanders to get involved and play sport in safe and inclusive spaces. Jersey Sport is proud to be promoting these key messages every day, but particularly throughout the month of September to celebrate PRIDE IN SPORT, along with the many local sport organisations who hold the same values.

For more information about PRIDE IN SPORT and to book onto the free Lunch and Learn session, please visit: www.


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