
Jersey Sport and local clubs to raise awareness of support for survivors of sexual violence

Thursday 25 October 2018

Sports clubs in Jersey will join forces next week to send a powerful message and raise awareness about the on-island support available for survivors of sexual violence.

Local charity Jersey Action Against Rape (JAAR) has teamed up with Jersey Sport for the week of action, which will see JAAR representatives on hand with information for spectators and players at local matches. Meanwhile, leading sports figures and teams from the island will pose for photos with a “Sport Stands Against Sexual Violence” banner. Social media will also be used to bust the many myths surrounding sexual assaults.

“There’s a lot of misinformation out there and we want to use this week to help people understand the truth around this subject,” said JAAR chairperson Sara McIntosh.

“We’re pleased to be working with Jersey Sport and local clubs to raise awareness and help us in our work to prevent and heal the trauma of rape and sexual assault.”

JAAR provides a support framework for survivors and their families, including a dedicated helpline (01534 482800), website, counselling services and access to specially-trained counsellors.

“Sport has the ability to change lives, bring people together for a common cause, and its top performers are looked up to as role models,” added Jersey Sport CEO Catriona McAllister.

“We’re confident the power of sport will be used to raise awareness of the good work JAAR is doing, and we’re delighted to be working with them.”

Clubs or sports group wishing to show their support should contact Jersey Sport on 01534 757700 to arrange a time to be photographed with the campaign banner.

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