
Travel Grants applications flood in during first round of bidding

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Applications have flooded in from local sports groups in the first round of 2018 Travel Grants.

25 sports organisations bid for more than £200,000 worth of funding, well in excess of the £125,000 available this year as part of the States of Jersey’s commitment to developing athletes. The core purpose is to support sportsmen and women (and teams and coaches) to compete and train, by financially assisting with the costs associated with travel.

Jersey Sport took over the governance of the programme from the Advisory Council for Sport at the start of this year, and the panel has now begun considering the applications.

“It’s brilliant to see so many sports apply under the new criteria and guidelines – we’re clearly going to have to make some difficult decisions,” said Steve Law, chairman of the Travel Grants Advisory Committee.

“There is a lot of work to do and a lot to learn from the first round of applications. Jersey Sport is determined to work closely with clubs and associations to get the most out of this valuable resource.”

Applicants will be informed of the panel’s decisions by the end of April, with the second round for applications set to open on Friday 1 June.

The committee is also about to advertise for a new panel member, preferably with specific financial expertise. Details will appear on in the next few days.

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