
FB Fields: Activities put on for children as young as five this summer holidays

Tuesday 10 July 2018

This summer, for the first time, Jersey Sport is running a series of fun holiday activity camps at its new base – FB Fields.

The Super Sport sessions, aimed at children from 5-8, will give the youngsters the opportunity to sample a wide variety of sports and fun play activities without the potential pressure and demands of older participants in the group.

Meanwhile, the Multi-Sport camps for children aged 6-13, will ensure older children can also enjoy a summer of sport.

With facilities for table-tennis, cricket, athletics and more – and with most of the sessions priced at just £3 per hour – the sessions are a cost-effective way of keeping children active during the holidays.

“We’ve recently moved offices from Fort Regent to FB Fields and it’s clear to see we’re surrounded by a great facility for multi-sport activities,” said Jersey Sport’s Community Programmes Officer Dan Garton.

“Weather permitting we’ll spend most of the sessions outdoors, either introducing the children to sports for the first time or helping them to develop their skills further.

“We’ve had plenty of requests from the public asking us to put on more for children at the younger end of the spectrum, and with options for parents to book mornings, afternoons or the longer sessions there’s plenty of flexibility.”

Some of the Multi-Sport sessions will also see participants walk to venues near to FB Fields such as St Clement Recreational Grounds and the surrounding beaches.

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FB Fields Super Sport (ages 5-8) Full Days

Code Day Time Cost Per Day
447 August 13, 2018 9am – 3pm £18
448 August 14, 2018 9am – 3pm £18
449 August 15, 2018 9am – 3pm £18
450 August 16, 2018 9am – 3pm £18
451 August 17, 2018 9am – 3pm £18
Code Day Time Cost Per Day
462 August 20, 2018 9am – 3pm £18
463 August 21, 2018 9am – 3pm £18
464 August 22, 2018 9am – 3pm £18
465 August 23, 2018 9am – 3pm £18
466 August 24, 2018 9am – 3pm £18

FB Fields Super Sport (ages 5-8) Mornings

Code Day Time Cost Per Morning
437 August 13, 2018 9am – 12pm £12
438 August 14, 2018 9am – 12pm £12
439 August 15, 2018 9am – 12pm £12
440 August 16, 2018 9am – 12pm £12
441 August 17, 2018 9am – 12pm £12
Code Day Time Cost Per Morning
452 August 20, 2018 9am – 12pm £12
453 August 21, 2018 9am – 12pm £12
454 August 22, 2018 9am – 12pm £12
455 August 23, 2018 9am – 12pm £12
456 August 24, 2018 9am – 12pm £12

FB Fields Super Sport (ages 5-8) Afternoons

Code Day Time Cost Per Afternoon
442 August 13, 2018 12pm – 3pm £12
443 August 14, 2018 12pm – 3pm £12
444 August 15, 2018 12pm – 3pm £12
445 August 16, 2018 12pm – 3pm £12
446 August 17, 2018 12pm – 3pm £12
Code Day Time Cost Per Afternoon
457 August 20, 2018 12pm – 3pm £12
458 August 21, 2018 12pm – 3pm £12
459 August 22, 2018 12pm – 3pm £12
460 August 23, 2018 12pm – 3pm £12
461 August 24, 2018 12pm – 3pm £12


FB Fields Multi-Sport (ages 6-13) Full Days

Code Day Time Cost Per Day
430 August 28, 2018 8.30am – 5.30pm £27
431 August 29, 2018 8.30am – 5.30pm £27
432 August 30, 2018 8.30am – 5.30pm £27
433 August 31, 2018 8.30am – 5.30pm £27

FB Fields Multi-Sport (ages 6-13) Mornings

Code Day Time Cost Per Morning
422 August 28, 2018 8.30am – 1.30pm £15
423 August 29, 2018 8.30am – 1.30pm £15
424 August 30, 2018 8.30am – 1.30pm £15
425 August 31, 2018 8.30am – 1.30pm £15

FB Fields Multi-Sport (ages 6-13) Afternoons

Code Day Time Cost Per Afternoon
412 July 23, 2018 12pm – 5pm £15
413 July 24, 2018 12pm – 5pm £15
414 July 25, 2018 12pm – 5pm £15
415 July 26, 2018 12pm – 5pm £15
416 July 27, 2018 12pm – 5pm £15
Code Day Time Cost Per Afternoon
417 July 30, 2018 12pm – 5pm £15
418 July 31, 2018 12pm – 5pm £15
419 August 1, 2018 12pm – 5pm £15
420 August 2, 2018 12pm – 5pm £15
421 August 3, 2018 12pm – 5pm £15
Code Day Time Cost Per Afternoon
426 August 28, 2018 1.30pm – 5.30pm £15
427 August 29, 2018 1.30pm – 5.30pm £15
428 August 30, 2018 1.30pm – 5.30pm £15
429 August 31, 2018 1.30pm – 5.30pm £15


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