
Enable Jersey launch new Accessible Cycling Festival

Thursday 5 September 2019

Disability charity Enable Jersey, today announced its upcoming Wheels For All Cycling Festival which sets out to remove barriers to cycling, especially for people with disabilities, encouraging everyone of all abilities to get in the saddle . Enable Jersey are dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can enjoy a life without limits.

The Wheels For All festival , which will be held at Les Quennevais Sports Centre on Saturday 12 October from 11:00 – 15:00, is being organised by Enable Jersey in partnership with Move More Jersey – an initiative by Jersey Sport, which aims to make physical activity more accessible and helps more islanders to become more active, more often. The festival is a cycling taster event run with the help of UK cycling charity, Cycling Projects and will feature the opportunity for disabled islanders to try a range of adaptive cycles. Other charities who provide access to island activities for the disabled along with food and entertainment stalls will also be at the event.

Clair Cousins, Chair, Enable Jersey said: ‘We are thrilled to be working in partnership with Jersey Sport and to be sponsoring such an inclusive, family event. The benefits of cycling for the disabled are just the same as for the able-bodied. It’s fun, gives independent mobility, enables social connections and promotes physical and mental well-being. People living with a disability need more opportunities to enjoy an active life and to access everything that our island has to offer.’

Cirsty de Gruchy, Move More Jersey Manager at Jersey Sport said:
‘We are extremely grateful to Enable Jersey for their sponsorship which means we can run the Wheels For All cycling festival. This means that we have the opportunity to showcase the potential and need for a Wheels For All Centre on island to give the opportunity for more people to get on their bike and move more – no matter what their ability. This is just another example of Move More Jersey in action working with a key partner to get more islanders, more active, more often.

If the event proves to be popular, and subject to acquiring funding, Enable Jersey and Jersey Sport hope to establish a permanent Wheels For All Centre. The centre, equipped with specially adapted cycles and trained volunteers, would provide people of all abilities with more opportunity to regularly enjoy the benefits of cycling either independently or as part of a group.

Wheels For All is a free event, open from 11:00 – 15:00. To reserve a free cycling session, visit: . More information about attending, getting involved as a volunteer or supporting the project can be found on Move More Jersey’s Facebook page @MoveMoreJersey (, or by contacting Cirsty de Gruchy on 01534 757708.

About Enable Jersey
Enable Jersey, Jersey’s all-embracing disability charity, through powerful partnerships, innovation and pushing boundaries, is transforming Jersey into an island where people with disabilities can enjoy a Life Without Limits. Driven by our purpose, Enable Jersey’s success is driven by a commitment to enabling people with disabilities – locals and tourists – to access everything that Jersey has to offer. Our work helps to improve the health and wellbeing of disabled islanders and those who support them and ultimately, all of Jersey benefits.

About Move More Jersey
The Move More Jersey initiative was created by Jersey Sport in May 2019 to encourage more islanders to become more active, more often. Improving mental and physical health through physical activity is a key priority for the Government of Jersey and so Move More Jersey aim to promote living an active lifestyle to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Move with us on Instagram and Facebook @movemorejersey

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