Wednesday 11 September 2024
Jersey Sport are asking islanders to GET INVOLVED and ZUMBA!
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Jersey Sport is monitoring the Coronavirus situation closely.
We advise all sports clubs, associations and groups to follow the advice from the Government of Jersey regarding the Coronavirus outbreak.
The best source of local information is:
We recommend all sporting organisations familiarise themselves with the Advice for Businesses on Coronavirus section of the website.
There is particularly useful information to help prevent the spread of the virus, business continuity checklists (which can apply to your club or organisation), posters for your venues, travel advice and what to do if someone becomes unwell.
The website is being continually updated so please monitor it regularly.
If you wish to discuss the impact for your sport please get in touch with James Tilley (Sports Partnership Manager): or 01534 757710.