
Jane Rolland

Move More Referral Instructor

Jane is a Level 4 Move More Referral gym tutor with more than a dozen years experience in the field. She is also a PT at Les Quennevais Gym, and designs weight resistance and cardio programmes for all levels of abilities.

Her understanding of health promotion and the fitness industry, includes disability, specialised conditions and working with the elderly. She is REP’s certified, fully insured and her qualifications also include:

Safeguarding children & adults

Obesity and Diabetes

Level 4 Cardiac Rehab

Level 4 Gym instructor

GP Exercise Referral

Weight Management specialist

Re-Evolutionary Planning

Transgender in the work place

Back Assessment Clinic Attendance

Emergency First Aid

De-Fib Qualified

Nordic Walking

Power Plate

Pre & Post Natal

Circuit Training

Spinning Instructor
