
Training and Workshops
Cross-Sport Conversations: Meet the Media!


In response to your feedback, Jersey Sport are pleased to host the second ‘Cross-Sport Conversations’ event of 2023 which provides volunteers with the opportunity to meet members of our local media on Thursday 21 September, from 17:30 – 19:00, in the Elizabeth Suite at the Radisson Blu Hotel.

The evening aims to bring local sport and our local media together to discuss ways in which visibility and promotion of your sport and physical activity opportunities in Jersey can be increased within the local media.

We know that sports want to see a more diverse range of sports news featured in the local media, and stories that show the community impact of initiatives, events, and successes of Jersey’s sport offering.

With representatives from ITV Channel TV, BBC CI, Jersey Evening Post, Channel 103 and the Bailiwick Express in attendance, each media outlet will provide some guidance about the best way you can provide sport updates, news and information to the media to get your story shared across the island!

The event will close with a great networking opportunity for local sports to meet and share good practice from one another in an informal and friendly environment.

The itinerary for the evening is as follows:

17:30 – Arrival, drinks and canapes
17:45 – Welcome from Jersey Sport
18:00 – Marketing and Communication tips from the Media – Get your story heard!
18:15 – Networking opportunity
19:00 – Event closes

For more information, please contact the Sport Team at



05:30pm - 07:00pm


Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel, St Helier

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