
Vote For
Sport & Active Living

Exercise your #VoteForSport at the 2018 Jersey Election

As the 2018 Jersey Election draws near, Jersey Sport and a series of high-profile local organisations are urging candidates to make sport and active living a priority of the new government.

With an aging population and rising obesity levels, the time to act is now. Jersey both needs and deserves a States assembly that is committed to investment in sport and active living to unlock the social, educational, health, economic and environmental benefits that come from having an active island.


I recognise that sport and active living can play a significant role in improving the lives of people in Jersey.

I call upon the next assembly to advocate for investment in sport and active living, putting it at the heart of island life and policies.

On polling day I will be exercising my #VoteForSport

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Join the 924 people who have so far committed to Exercise their #VoteForSport

"Sport and active living is imperative for the future health and well being of everyone! Jersey can lead the way!"
Chris Band

"Sport is snug part of my life it keeps me relaxed and it keeps me fit and healthy there are so many sports to chose from and doing it with your friends is even better you can do sports anywhere it doesn’t necisarrily have to be a club you can go on runs to different places ( I go to the woods ) but there is lots of different things you can do I don’t know what I would do without sport since I am doing it for GCSE I love sports so much my favourite is hockey sport doesn’t just keep you fit it helps with teamwork and communication and many other things xxx"
Clara O’Sullivan
"Without sport my son would not be the person he is today. Sport has taught him so many important life skills. The skills that he learns through sport will help shape who he is as an adult. "
Christian Keenan
"Supporting sport has never been more important. In this digital age, where so much of our time is absorbed by screens, fostering an interest in sport has the obvious physical health benefits, but also huge mental health benefits. It also teaches social skills, and tolerance, which are crucial to a happy, safe society."
Nick Queree
"Please make sport and physical activity and the facilities to support them an integral part of your policies, not just for the health advantages it will bring to Jersey but also for the social benefits."
Matthew Collins
"Active people are happy and healthy people; who would not want our island's population to be happy and healthy? Healthy, happy people also "cost less" in money, resources and support in the "long run". And who wouldn't want that in an island of finite resources?"
Tony Williams
"Please invest more in sports / facilities and exercise programmes as the island needs to get healthier. The policies need to be stronger. "
Chris Dorey
"I love sport it makes me, well me. I can keep fit and have fun at the same time. Sport is a big part of my life! I love team work as it gives me skills to include those around me and be more aware of what is happening. Some skills in sport can’t be tort they have to be fisical to show what it’s all about E.g: dancing or hockey. It’s always good having a target infromt of you, Sport in general is a good all round test especially perseverance. (If at first you don’t succeed try try try again) having a inspiration like Serena Gutherie Makes me want to try even harder everyday. Doing what I love makes everyday even better! I hope this campaign goes far as this idea is fabulous! "
Isabella G
"The health benefits of someone who is active is good for the individual and society. They tend to be less prone to illnesses and the exercise referral is prominent for persons who need the extra support. Exercise is inclusive of everyone. It could be a boxing class to Pilates or a walking group. Let’s show the way forward for the next generation. "
Lesley Noel
"Sport and Active Living can have a considerable contribution to island life and the outcomes contained within 'Future Jersey'. Inspiring an active Jersey needs to be a collective effort across all areas of government, business and the third sector. Jersey needs and deserves a States Assembly that both understands and is prepared to 'spend to save' to unlock the far-reaching benefits of having an active Island. "
Catriona McAllister

James Tilley

"I urge candidates to prioritise sport and active living. We need investment in the area now to avoid the problems an inactive island will cause in future."
Tim Pryor

Dan Garton

Mark Wanless

"Sport and active living is vital to the growth of our Island - Vote 4 Sport is a must have campaign and I am delighted to support it! "
Katie Griffiths

"I call on all election candidates to consider the far reaching benefits of sport and active living and support the campaign. #VoteForSport is a vote for a healthier future for all of Jersey. "
Steve Law

""Physical activity is pivotal to the health and mental well being for the community of Jersey. I appeal to the candidates seeking election to invest in this area in order to help the current issues society is currently facing""
Paola Mitchell

"I want to lead on a new strategy called 'Active Jersey' to improve Islanders' physical and mental health. Active Jersey will increase the accessibility of good indoor and outdoor amenities to enhance Islanders' sense of well-being and identity. We need to support parent to make informed choices in areas such as nutrition and exercise. This will help to reduce and prevent childhood obesity and illnesses; it will limit the risk of diabetes and heart disease in later life and that will in turn alleviate some pressure from our health service. Through the promotion of healthier lifestyles, Active Jersey will support each area of our community; teenagers, young families, competitive athletes, disabled people, vulnerable groups and the elderly would all benefit. Our facilities need to improve to provide access for the elderly; healthy lifestyles will allow for more senior citizens to remain in their own homes in later life with the right support. If you want to see a more Active Jersey, please consider lending me one of your votes on Wednesday 16 May."
Steve Pallett

"Participation in active lifestyles and sports is important for the health and wellbeing of our community. Investment in sport is investment in health."
Paul Routier

Libby Barnett

Beth Quinn

Ashley Hillier

"Could I ask that you support initiatives that provide access to sport and healthily living for both children and adults. "
David Bailey

"Gym memberships are too expensive for students and young people on a low income. "

James Faudemer

Geoffrey Blackstone

"Good luck "
Yakira Michel

David Jones

Wayne Gallichan

"Sort it out!"
Neil Gray

"Sport is an area Jersey flourishes in from rugby to netball. Let’s continue the upward momentum and make Jersey a centre of sporting excellence. In addition I would like to see more investment in motorsports, we can find our own Andy or Sebastian Priaulx in time."

"Investment in sport and physical activity is essential for the future health and wealth of the Island. For too long, it has been seen as a "nice to have" rather than a key area of focus but, with the advent of a new States Assembly, you, our Politicians, now have the opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to providing a healthier environment for us all. We would urge you to take this responsibility seriously."
Phil Austin

"Whether it’s darts, sailing or soccer, sport promotes confidence, a sense of team, responsibility, leadership, has obvious health benefits and so on. So let’s see sport as a core part of every manifesto! "
Will Carnegie

"For immediate attention get that new skate park built. The current cage is a disgrace. The island deserves better."
Alistair Mitchell

"A vote for sport is a vote for Jersey. Health; Education; Environment; Economy; Social Inclusion; Law & Order…..Everyone’s Manifesto should recognise that Sport has a positive impact across most aspects of our society and our population. #voteforsport #voteforjersey "
Tony Taylor

Annie Law

"I like sport as it’s fun, you get active and it inspires you by people around the world "
Emily R

"A healthy, active Island is a happier one. Investment into sport and activity is crucial for our future."
Kit Chamier

"I work in health and see the damage that an inactive lifestyle can do"
Karen Roworth

"As a parent of young children I'm determined they're going to grow up active. With a small home without outside space we rely heavily on public spaces and play areas to ensure the children do something active daily. I urge political leaders to provide high quality, well maintained facilities for young people of all ages - and access to affordable sports classes for school age children. I would absolutely love to see a daily mile initiative in my children's school. I also need cheap (if not free) opportunities to stay active myself, that fit around the busy schedule of a working parent. Very cheap beginners exercise or running groups would be a huge motivational benefit."
Clara Fryer

"If you want to tackle the growing obesity problem along with helping our kids keep active and happy then you should be backing and supporting the Skate Park Project, not bemoaning the use of a consultant, who has worked hard with Jersey sport to help deliver what will be an amazing park for people of all ages. Shame on you Frank Luce!"
Lindsay Rutter

"Jersey Stares must invest more in Sport and Active lifestyles for islanders. For the projection of Jersey in something other than finance and better health for islanders."
Ivor W T Clarke

"Please introduce the National Lottery to the Channel Islands so that Jersey athletes can have access to those funds as British Athletes already do. It was repeated again and again throughout the successes of the Commonwealth Games that such success could not be achieved without lottery funding. Jersey athletes are being disadvantaged by this and lets face it all the major prizes in local lottery are often won by Guernsey so it just does not benefit Jersey to stop the National Lottery coming to our shores. Jersey Athletes have to travel to compete. Why are we punishing them and other organisations who could also apply for funding by restricting the Jersey public to a local Christmas lottery and other smaller scratch cards the latter of which to my knowledge most people just don't buy."
Bettina Parker MacRae

"Please make sport and active living part of your manifesto. It's so important for the welfare of our islanders."
Sarah Madel

"Sport at any level is vital for children's well being."
Julie Dimmock

"Jersey is an island with a fantastic sporting pedigree. Sport should be available and accessible for all."
Alison Horton

Francis Poignand

"As a mother of 3 young children it is imperative that steps are taken to make sure that active living is a message that is driven home to all islanders. I spent a huge amount of my adult life overweight and it was only when I included sport and exercise into my life that I began to lose weight. 3 years down the line i am now 8.5 stone lighter and I will hopefully benefit from this for years to come and in turn i will be less of a drain on the health services in the future. Sport and active living has my vote...make it yours too! "
Dawn Dauny

"Investment into sport and activity is crucial for our Island's future. It has a huge impact across many areas of our population. Time to create a healthier, happier Island !! #voteforsport"
Laura Robertson

Bruno Gomes

Chrissy Bannerman

"We need to work together for a more active society throughout the all year and for all the generations. There’s a need to find more options to do sports or activities in the winter."

"I am the founder of Mukyokan International, a martial arts organization (established in 1987), currently residing at the thoroughly neglected Fort Regent. I also play Ladies Football and Table Tennis. The provision and maintenance (and improvement) of sports and recreational venues and activities leads to a healthier population and prolongs life and the quality of it. It also removes the burden from Health and Social Services. It teaches integration, fitness, a link between generations, health, and also aids people suffering mental health, loneliness and helps to prevent suicide."
Roisin Pitman

"Sport and activity is an essential part of creating a healthy society (mentally and physically), as well as creating important social benefits such as bonding, Island pride and international recognition. From a healthy active population perspective, proactive approaches to sedentary disease is the only way to tackle some of the major healthcare spends that the Island faces, with reactive healthcare approach unable to reverse trends but just manage them. Healthcare should not only be about illness management. We can significantly reduce the healthcare spend by taking a long term view on proactive healthcare, this starts with physical literacy in young children. Investing in our athletes is also an essential part of creating a healthy and activity population by raising the profile of sport and providing significant role models people can aspire to. Performance outcomes breed participation in sport and a sense of national pride. "
John Scriven

"Encouraging sport and an active lifestyle is fundamental to improving the health and wellbeing of our community at all levels. I urge all candidates to support and bring forward initiatives that promote this goal. "
Ed Daubeney

Mollie Hegarty

Kit Habin

"Please support sport and active living. There are so many benefits to living in an active society. "
Jean Cross

"Sport also offers physical advantages for people with disabilities such as good blood circulation, stronger muscles, better balance & co-ordination. #VoteForSport"
Alex Buesnel

"I love sport as it is a way to make me happy and keep me fit and if we all do sport we will be able to spend more money on sport instead of hospitals as more and more people are going into hospitals for being obese as they went spending anoth time doing what we love. The best thing about sport as if you are dancing lets say it is fun so we don’t consider it as sport as it is to fun to even think about that and the best thing is that we are doing exercise and that is why I love sport. Good luck"
Lucy G

"Sport in whatever form can have major benefits to the health and well-being of our Island community and the forthcoming States of Jersey has a great opportunity to set & implement policies that support not just competitive sports but sport and active living in general which ultimately can only be positive."
Martin Speller

"The changes in societal behaviours over the last twenty years has resulted in greater challenges for our health, education and social services. With a sendentary, overweight and ageing population now much more of the norm than ever before, a fresh approach to healthy living must be a priority. I would urge that our politicians be brave and understand that short term thinking and funding will only see the worrying trends continue. To really make a difference and change behaviours, investment and political support needs to be over the long term."
David Kennedy

"Ensuring an active Jersey for future generations is essential for the island. With a clear policy on sport & lifestyle we can work towards a healthier and fitter population "
Matt Cuthbert

"If you build it.... they will come! The new states assembly must invest in any unused sporting facilities. The rewards/benefits for the whole community are endless. “Don’t just live, live happily ever active”"
James Scott (JS Fives)

"Sport is vital and so important to the future of a healthy Jersey. It should be affordable and accessible to all sectors of the community. More support is also needed for travel for clubs and individuals competing off island without having to be super elite athletes in their chosen sport. "
Nicky Horsfall - Jersey Water Polo

"In my sport (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) it is impossible to compete without travelling abroad. therefore, it costs me as a individual approx £3500 yearly to represent the island and to take part in competitions in Europe and around the world. funding for flights and registration costs would be a huge help and would allow me to compete more often then i currently do, raising awareness for jersey and bring home more medals "
Charlie Tromans

"Sport and active living should be an integral focus for all children and adults living in Jersey. Sport and exercise should be accessible and available to all individuals living in our beautiful island, to maintain health and well-being. The government and sport clubs need to link together to form a symbiotic relationship where information can be centralised."
Cesare Ranieri

Eileen Flanagan

"Keep all sport at the forefront in jersey it’s important"
Anne Riant

"Teach one and all the Jersey way the sport way"
Neil Dingle

Annetta Robertson

Lee Robertson

Frank R

"Im very supportive of the states giving financial support to sport and activity in jersey "
George Gothard

Alexis Militis

Adam Freer

Winston Turner

"Investment should be made in active living to reduce pressure on health resources"
Val Vibert

"Free exercise for alll"
Patricia Flynn

"Sport and active living is crucial towards the long term physical, mental and overall wellbeing of the population and should be a consideration for the both short and long term planning for the island. "
Oliver Gray

" "
Sarah Gray

"For both physical and mental health an active lifestyle is vital. "
Melanie King

James King

Geraldine Martin

"Revamp fort regent. Forts were made to keep people out and that’s what it’s doing at the moment "
Tracey Cotillard

Emily Newbald

"Sports should be high on the list of priorities, keeping our islanders, young and old, healthy and fit. "
Steve Manning

Maggie leBrocq

"I agree and this is needed "
Judith Lopez

"Having a active community will help to combat obesity. We need more venues for all age groups ."
Mrs Nichola Liron

Ashley Landers

Lee Landers

Lisa De Ste Croix

Jo Gueno

Anthony Gueno

Susan B

"Yes I agree "
Geoff B

"Keep your agenda promises"
Phil Oneill

Gill Oneill

Simonne Dauny

David Dauny

L Jones

C Jones

"Childhood obesity is a growing health issue in the island and encouraging children to be active and outdoors is a key strategy to combat this for the children and encourage good health into adulthood. Many families struggle to afford sports activities and clubs and so providing a wide variety of affordable sports clubs and events will benefit the children and the health service in the long run."
Sarah Highfield

Clive Le G

Lauren D

Claire Lidster

Mr Le Maistre

Mrs A Le Maistre

"Please make sport part of the islands future plans. It’s so important for everyone on the island that funding is provided to keep the good work that Jersey sport and other organisations going. "
David Highfield

"Active referral should be for all, not just referred through healthcare professionals "
Mary Chevalier

"More active referral "
Anne Gibaut

Craig Le Breton

See Le Breton

See Le Breton

Shane Hatherley

Gillian Robertson

"Get your finger out and listen to the people of jersey!!!"
Ron Robertson

Winifred Bardwell

"Sport and activity is a great tool for all populations across jersey! "
Chris Riley

Kerri Correia

"I love sport"
Mike Brown

Bill Keating

Angela Keating

"Particularly investment for families and individuals on lower incomes and with mental health problems. "
Eleanor Green

Patrick McNamara

"Support sport"
Richard Rutherford

"I found active referral extremely beneficial following a hip replacement and pain management after a fall."
Marie Jenkins

Lucie Lord

David Streets

"Please spend some money on the fort Physical activity is very necessary, for all ages. "
Bridget Vardon

Don Vardon

"Sport is good because it keeps you fit and healthy and it gives you something active to do! "
Holly and Sophie

Caroline Ozanne

Gareth Owen

"Need more funding for sport"
Dr Neera Watts

Aruna Josen

John Farina

"It gives me something to do so that I get out of the house and then get away from my annoying brother "
Kira Moon

Sarah McCallum

Kristy Flaxman

Greg Ruellan

John Warren

"I am lucky to have had sport in my life from a young age. Today it provides a great social base and in the past, when moving somewhere new, joining the local club instantly helps you make new friends and feel at home (no matter what your standard is)."
Julian Griffiths

Roger Small

"I did Active Referral many years ago. It has helped me to much both physically mentally"
Teresa Toniolo

Dino Toniolo

Jeff Tenet

Carol Mitchell

Gerry Mitchell

"Sport needs more funding to promote a healthier island"
Annette Cabot

Linda & Brendan

"Think of preschool children, instilling health and expertise at a young age will set them for the future."
Katherine Marote

Anthony Benson

Adam Benson

Jack Benson

"You need to do more for sport"
Pascal Graviou

Michelle Anderson

David Anderson

"Investment in sport is a proactive method of preventing health and social problems further down the line and therefore cost effective as well as beneficial physically, mentally and socially."
Heidi Whitehead

William Whitehead

Jon Larty

Donna Delanoe

"Please support this excellent opportunity to get everyone fit and not a burden on our health system"
Graeme Delanoe

John Patterson

"Fitness is very important in any lifestyle! Jersey should promote fitness and if you are struggling to start, buy a Maxburn Fitness Plate which is also a massager (videos on YouTube and you can google)"
Chrissie Chanel

"As a GP I see on a daily basis the huge benefits that being active can have on a person's physical and mental wellbeing and how simple lifestyle changes can really change a person's life. The government of Jersey has the power to encourage and facilitate active living and should embrace the opportunity to lead the way in making our Island a healthy and happy one."
Felicity Tilley

"Please help develop our island facilities for active lifestyles so that it becomes the norm for us all. "
Linda Diggle

"I have picked my son up this evening following a rugby trip to St Malo and I could not be prouder of him, his team mates, the coaches, the managers and everyone else who were involved with this trip. These events must be supported by all of us because I feel they are so very important."
Wayne Martin

Roger Rondel

Carole Anne Robins BEM

"Keep the Island Active, keep Jersey healthy in mind and body."
Ron Felton

"Can we please finally see some proper investment into sport and making Jersey an active island! "
Linda Pratesi

Heidi Crossley

Nick Fry

Julie Law

"Green spaces for elderly and young children!"
Amanda Fry

Sue Le Lievre

Paul Pinel

Lucy Delaney

Mark Morgan

Kathryn Kelly

Becky Ward

Neil Edwards

Katherine Burton

Gavin Cullinan

Christine Henry

Liz Willgrass

Alan Tardivel

"Exercise is important."
Jane Mallet

"Invest in our future."

Mark Oliver

"I would love the island to unite behind the importance of sport and physical activity. From doctors, teachers, and everyone involved in sports activities, the time is now to provide the correct level of priority."
Hugh Raymond

Tony Cook

John Sweeney

"College students do not get a salary, however are expected to fund full Active membership. Would you support funding for students for physical excercise if in full time education.? "
Linda Le Geyt

Cindy Wilby

Sarah Billington

Julie Settle

Andy Fenner


Keith Le Maistre

"It’s very important for the health of the island."
Julia Dines

Marlene Andrews

"I think sports is an important part of a child’s upbringing. Educating them into the best practices needs to start at an early age."
Rohan Vandenborn

Els Griggs

"Support Jersey sport!"
Trevor Griggs

"We need more safe bike storage in St Helier!"
Titia Rebindaine

Charlie Griggs

Oliver Griggs

Dom Rebindaine

Rob Daly

"Sport is vital for character building and self confidence"
Megan Hughes

"Swimming pool on the east please with lanes"
Gina Perestrelo

"The island really needs more public swimming pools. "
Marianne Sargent

Karen Dorey

"Please recognise the health and social benefits of sport"
Stephen Atherley

Jacqui Atherley

Izzy Atherley

"Very important for the future health of the Island"
John Le Fondre

"Fitness, health and sport are fundamental to the wellbeing of our children and the future of the island. Every resource available needs to be invested into children and sport."
Jo Prouten

Simon Sworowski

"Sport is important and get the children involved at a young age"
Lisa Gibaut

Chantelle Le Guilcher

Daniel Lagadu

"Excellent initiative, any form of activity is good and should be encouraged."
Jayne Luce

"Amy form of activity is good for the mind & body."
Kay Bailhache

Kirsty Dunn

"Sport and an active lifestyle is so important as part of your healthy living "
Marilyn Le Guilcher

Michael Le Guilcher

"Sports teach us fair play and team spirit, which makes it important not just for our health, but also for our mind and spirit"
Tania Purcaru


Arthur Manning

"If we want physically, emotionally and mentally healthy adults, we need to invest in sport for our children to make exercise a habit that they will continue with later in life. Sport does not have to be about winning, many people will never achieve that level, but exercise and leading an active life can still be fun and all ages need to have the opportunity to participate in some form of physical activity. Investing in an active population will reduce health costs in years to come."
Debbie Thompson

Y. Kearsey

"Sport is an activity for all ages and plays a very important part of healthy living. It can be as relaxed or active as you want. It is also a great way of meeting people. We have Bat & Chat table tennis three times a week and it has been wonderful to have people of all ages to play and to hear the laughter and see the fun they are having lifts everyones spirits."
Eileen Lucas President -Jersey Table Tennis Association

"Too many people rely on sickness benefit due to unhealthy lifestyles and inactivity. Let's get them moving and kick start their feel good hormones again!"

"Sport for all !!"
Andy White

Mandy Bonhomme

"Is important that everyone has a chance to participate in an active lifestyle to help improve the general public overall health and well-being. This requires investment of money and time."
Stephen Falle

"It is incredibly important to promote sport and physical activity. Not only because it keeps you healthy but also because it promotes social interaction and a competitive spirit. There should be a bigger drive from politicians and governing bodies to build more facilities and increase the access and diversity of sports available to everyone. Make good use of public funding and use it for the betterment of everyone."
Andre Fortunato Da Silva

"Prevention is better then cure."
Sue Reed

Brian Frith

"Please make sport and physical activity a priority for all islanders, whether it be competitive or for fun. And please do it for all ages and for girls and boys and men and women. And build a new skatepark, the current one is closing and there are hundreds of local skaters with no facilities."
Julia Marshall

"In the current environment where more strain is being placed on the public purse through inactivity I strongly encourage all candidates to make this issue central to their manifesto."
Scott Le Flour

Sarah Harris

"At Macmillan Jersey we are aware of the close links between lifestyle and diseases such cancer and diabetes. Through our Survivorship programme, we also see the amazing recuperative powers of exercise and an active lifestyle, at whatever age. We owe it to everyone in Jersey society, particularly our youngsters, to give them all the advantages that exercise and a healthy lifestyle can bring. I believe it's the most cost effective way we can bring our health service costs, under control."
Brian Frith as Chairman of Macmillan Cancer Support (Jersey) Ltd

"Funding for all sports club's entry level programmes will ensure a healthier island and secure the future of volunteers that so work hard to promote their sports."
Justin Horton

"Sport is not just important for the physical health of the people in Jersey but also their Mental Health. Let’s create more opportunities for people to get involved in a range of different sports - not just the classics and create more opportunities for adults to be a part of sports and teams."
Lauren Byrne

"Active living is essential for the mind and body of every individual from the very young to the very old and therefore for the health of our island community."
Polly Ashton

"Having come late to sport & an active lifestyle myself in my 40’s, I am only now starting to reap the benefits from a physical & mental perspective. It is imperative that sport be encouraged & incorporated into everyday living as much as possible & certainly within the school environment. I would love to see policies introduced making all primary school children run/exercise prior to commencing lessons each day & see how beneficial that would be in assisting with concentration, attentiveness & progress towards a generally healthier lifestyle."
Rachel Godel

"Essential for a muiltude of reasons"
Craig Dempster

"Getting people active helps the population to stay fit, reduce obesity and cut healthcare costs."
Adrian Rowland

"Sport should be at the heart of the island community. It is important to our health; our well being; improves our mental state; relieves stress. Importantly sport tourism brings people to our island and encourages our children to reach for the stars "
Rachael A’Court


Andy Barnes

"On a small island like ours all types of sports including skateboarding and other non specific sporting activities are vital for the general health, mental wellbeing & the immense social impact it has on a diverse community "
Ushma Patel

"It is more important than ever that the states elected deputies and senators support financially and vocally any initiatives that will encourage everyone to become more active. The initiatives will pay off in the long term if they are successful"
Michelle Bolton

"As a fitness instructor with 22 years experience, I have seen the positive mental and physical benefits that Active lifestyles can produce for Islanders."
Lisa Troy

"Sport and activity is a vital part of wellbeing for Jersey Islanders. So much can be gained by getting our Island fitter."
James Mulholland

"Sport and active living are important for everyone, from the young to the old - let’s make it part of daily life and help us all become and stay healthy."
Cindy Wanless

"Staying fit and healthy is key to enjoying life to its fullest. All ages can benefit from the natural feeling of happiness resulting from an hours exercise. Promote sport as part of your campaign to keep islanders healthy and happy"
Penny Setubal

"OVCC fully support the call from Jersey Sport for the next states assembly to place Sport and physical acitivity at the top of their agenda. Despite the fantastic work and commitment of the groundstaff, the neglect and lack of financial support for our islands sporting pitches have led to a visible decrease in the standard of service and product provided. We hope that the next assembly can address issues such a this, so that our fantastic island can continue to boast some of the best and most picturesque facilities in the UK."
Old Victorians Cricket Club

"Sport should be an integral part of every child’s life and has massive impacts on mental health wellbeing and confidence "
Zoe Hotton

"Make sport and active living easier for all"
Daniel Craven

"Please support local sport, together we can make a difference"
Charlie Browne

"It is well documented the benefits that a diverse yet balanced sporting diet has on young people, not least in improving physical literacy but also encouraging a physically active lifestyle and good mental health - the positive effects of which the island community as a whole will benefit."
Richard Picot


"We have 6 of the top disability gymnasts in Jersey and 3 commonwealth gymnasts and they have to train in facilities that are no where near the standard of our UK counterparts. Imagine what we could achieve with a purpose built facility. Come on Jersey we are the only place in all of the UK without a purpose built gym and we have over 1000 young people participating in our sport each week. We could double this with proper facilities. Gymnastics is one of the most important sports to develop children's all round physical and gross motor skills. Get your priorities sorted and curb the obesity problems while these children are young. Then you will all save in the future."
Yana Vibert

"Gymnastics has for ever been the poor relation when it comes to capital expenditure by government on the provision of acceptable facilities for hundreds of the island's participating children. Will you be the one to make a difference? The children and their parents hope so. Please take the opportunity of reading the KKP facilities strategy. If you are elected, cast your vote in favour of the recommendations and build a better future for our children."
Paul Frith

Jessica Vieira

Antoin Le Fevre

"Health and wellbeing is so important whether you're a newborn baby or heading towards your centenary. We need to make sure everyone starts out with an active lifestyle and keeps up with it at every stage of life - providing the right support to do so easily."
Clare Katie Pryce

"Could you please make a decision on the future of Fort Regent, it needs your support... "
Bernard Cooper

"Both my children have disabilities. Sport has made a massive impact on their lives. My son in particular is a severe asthmatic and the dr credits his gymnastics training with helping maintain his asthma levels. Gymnastics facilities are way behind those in the U.K. More needs to be done to improve the facilities in Jersey and make all sport more accessible to everyone. "
Nicola Kirkland

"Investing yourself in sport is key to the future well being of our society. Supporting the investment of new sports facilities is so important. This includes a world class skatepark. "
Daco Fernandes

"I have witnessed first hand the positive impact that sport and staying active can have personally, for my family and the young people I work for. I will be voting for candidates who support finding a new and permanant home for a top class skate park and who support the many clubs and organisations who offer such fantastic sporting opportunities to our young people. "
John cornwall

"I urge our next government to make sure every single islander gets active and stays active. It's so important not just for our physical but also our mental health and wellbeing. "
Clare P

"When people are more active, they are also happier, healthier and are generally more productive - boosting day-to-day positives and becoming less reliant on care services."
Philip Minty

"My life has been so enriched by sport - my physical health, mental wellbeing and confidence. We owe it to our island to enable all islanders to enjoy those benefits, and we as a society will also benefit from fewer health issues and better health in body and mind. But its takes investment, not cuts, and needs to view to the benefits of spending now to save in later years. "
Rebecca Orpin

"Providing young people with opportunities to participate in a range of sporting activities is essential for the growth of a healthy society. Simple."
Karl Payne

"Sport & activity, so important to everyone. #VoteForSport"
Sharon Buesnel

Chris Thomas

"Sport is not only exercise in a physical sense, it also an exercise for the mind. It is also highly sociable, and can greatly contribute to a persons sense of wellbeing and belonging. With levels of obesity, depression and over use of technology on the rise, encouraging and investing in sport is a no brainer. It helps all of these problems and many more! "
Chris Mousdale

"I am candidate myself. Myself and my family are living active life and doing sport on regular basis. As part of my manifesto, I have stated the importance of active life style for all ages. We need more outdoor spaces for children for the physical activities. I also support the prescription for Health team. I will campaign for proactive solutions as part of our long term health promotion."
Inna Gardiner

"Please support more investment in sport, not just for physical well being but mental well being too, being part of and involved in a group makes a more harmonious and inclusive society. "
Steve Le Couilliard

"Sport & activity is good for everybody but needs government support please!"
Chris Minty, CEO Jersey Cricket Board

"I first started skate boarding in 1973 age 9 . As far as i can rember Every Jersey government has Been letting the youth of jersey down . Be the change that is desperately needed in this island . Build a proper skate park . Support sport ."
Mark Le Voguer

Phoebe Percival

"Sport can have a massive impact on people’s lives, for one it can improve someone’s health, confidence and people skills. As well as this healthier people are less likely to need medical care and therefore can be the strain on the healthcare industry."
Tom Middleton

"Make our young and children understand the importance of an active life for good health, ambition, team spirit and overcoming challenges, hard work for results"
Christelle Mangematin

"Just do it "

"Sport brings a community together. It can inspire and make lives better that benefits the generations yet to come. There are so many more sports to ensure everyone can be included to improve their health and wellbeing, all sports should be more supported as much as possible. The island games held in Jersey (in 2015) much like the London games was the perfect example of this. Let’s not wait for the next time round to host them, let’s have the channel island games including our incredible disabled athletes. Lastly the way the young islanders have been organised and presented their argument for a new skatepark is inspiring and we must honour their commitment by listening to them which will encourage others to come together."
Kevin Pamplin

Jane Hall

Tracy Meson

Laura Makin

"Sport is a fantastic way to learn new skills, connect people and get a real sense of hardwork, fun and dedication. "
Ewan Davies

"Please invest in Jersey sport. I would personally like to see a new skatepark being built in Jersey. I think Jersey needs a new outdoor facility that is free for all the community to enjoy and I think a skatepark is a great answer to encourage sport get people out in the fresh air and get them motivated it’s something fun and has a community of all different sport users that can use it for participating on skateboards, bikes, scooters, rollerbladers and also having a new skatepark brings sport users of all different ages together for something everybody can enjoy, encourage physical fitness and an outdoor healthy mindset. #vote for sport."
Sophie Kilpatrick

"Sport plays such a huge role in every part of the Jersey community whether it be at grass roots level seeing 600 primary children running a cross country, elite level seeing our top athletes compete on the World stage or your everyday person making it a priority to be fit and healthy. Let’s support it at every level and see the benefits in health, well being and productivity. "
Katie Silva

Becky Cross

Caroline Woolf

"It is without question the right way to invest in our islands population across all ages from young to mature, all have a right to access an active lifestyle. Active people are living happier and healthier, invest in sport, well being and health now and prevention will lead to financial savings also. Its all about forward thinking and taking action now!"
Anya Staunton

Elizabeth de la Haye

"Great initiative - deserves all our support. Jersey - the Active Island!"
David Seymour - Seymour Hotels of Jersey

Andrew Courtness

"Sport is inclusive for any age, and any person. Sports events from Olympics, to Commonwealths, to Paralympics and Invictus games prove no matter who you are, you can participate. That’s on a big scale, so it should be even more attainable in an Island Community. Whilst stealth taxes on sugar help, government incentives and schemes to actively encourage (and reward?) an active lifestyle no matter what age are equally required to get the next generation off the sofas, and provide some relief to the health service :)"
Greg Davis

Jason Davy

"We have already seen the benefits that large scale sporting events can bring to the island with the success of the Super League Triathlon. It is imperative that States members lead by example in promoting this particular aspect of living, which is so important and vital to the island. Promoting Jersey sport and active living will impact our health care system, our effect on the environment and the islands day to day living standards. It will also provide positive exposure to the island in the media and throughout sporting communities. Good health is one of, if not the most important aspect of any human beings life. Without it we tend not to be able to live in the manner in which we want to. Educating the future generations and being positive as an island community is vital. It is always better to be preventative rather than reactive when it comes to our health and this is a great preventative measure. Without a States assembly that is committed to this cause and making appropriate investments in sport and active living would be a great cause for concern and I think it essential that every support to this sector be given."
James W. Parker

"Cost can be a big deterrent, subsidies for kids clubs need to be considered to make sports and active more accessible. "
Katie Stewart

"Good luck Jersey Sport. #activeliving"
Danielle Le Quesne

Mel Le Boutillier - Little Monkeys Gymnasti x

"My daughter loves netball and all other sports and they need more support to enable to travel for experience in playing against stronger teams. They also need a home for netball."
Chantelle makin

"Active Living and Sport can make a positive difference to all age groups with significant benefits to physical and mental health. You, as politicians, hold the power to positively change and enhance so many lives within our community. "
Lynn Minchinton-Gilley

"Walk a mile in schools initiative is simple, effective and worth while. Improving concentration for learning. Reducing childhood obesity. Getting active . Brilliant "
Mary O'Keeffe

"We must ensure that sport on this island is accessible and affordable for all. Make sure facilities are made available to sport associations, at an affordable rate and that said facilities are of a Standard that matches our incredible sporting talent on the island. Ensure Schools are making sport and important factor in the education up bringing. "
Nathan Jegou

"The States of Jersey should make sport and active living a priority of the new government. With an aging population and rising obesity levels, the time to act is now. Jersey both needs and deserves a States assembly that is committed to investment in sport and active living to unlock the social, educational, health, economic and environmental benefits that come from having an active island."
Ben Ludlam

Kirsty Ludlam

"It will be crucial for the newly elected States members to play an active part in ensuring the delivery of a island wide Sports strategy and also to provide the facilities needed to deliver the programmes on offer to keep Jersey active. At this present time the facilities are sadly lacking! "
Linda Andrews

"Money needs to be ploughed into sports at school levels in order for it become an integral part of a young person’s everyday life. Further opportunities for talented young sports people to access regional and national training as it’s so expensive to get off island"
Sarah Jordan

Victoria Maltwood

"In an age where people are spending more time staring at a screen each day than they spend being outside and/or active, encouraging members in the community of all ages to play sport and keep active has never been more important. Allowing children to try a wider range of sports through more varied school P.E sessions and subsidising court & facilities costs for local non-profit sports associations should be at the front of our governments mind."
Joe Harvey

"Sport is so important it teaches many lessons keeps mind and body healthy but it needs to be assessable to all. Keeping costs down on facilities and would allow many more athletes of all ages to take part in a sport and feel part of something special."
Sally Langston

Paul Wilkinson

Sarah Cram

JP Wilkinson

Alex Wilkinson

Frankie Wilkinson

" "
Bill Baker

"Sport and Active living reduces stress and anxiety and has helped me personally."
Julian Le Roux

"In today's world of smart phones, games consoles, computers and the internet we need to encourage the participation of ANY sport or activity so that tomorrows society don't end up being inactive unfit and end up passing that ethos onto their children in times to come. Anything that can be done to encourage this can only be good for todays and tomorrows society. "
Alan Berry

"I have been in the sport of rifle shooting for 66 years and still competing. Shooting has been going since 1861 in Jersey. Jersey has a proud history of producing excellent competition shooters, whose skill demands a clam temperament and eagle-eyed concentration. There will be a review of the firearms laws after the election. I hope what they propose will not be the detriment of our sport or to the law-abiding citizens taking part. "
Cliff Mallett

"Sport is an essential asset to our community and participation should be driven from a very early age. There is a clear link between sport and academic achievement which should be exploited, not to mention the well being benefits (both physically and fiscally) that come from a healthy population. I will only vote for candidates who embrace this concept and vote for sport. "
Brian Middlemiss

"Sport is just so important on so many levels....too many to mention!"
Stewart Coombs

"Encouraging and learning to have an active lifestyle is as important as learning to read and write. Let's include exercise and active studies in today's curriculum so the next generation understand the importance of keeping healthy. "
Karen Dufty

"The advantages to youngsters of participating in sports activities are too numerous to mention. I am heavily involved in rugby for youngsters so can see this at first hand."
Roger Nightingale

"'Inspiring an #ActiveJersey' - never has a mantra been more relevant or more important, for the myriad of reasons already stated in these pages. Yes, individuals need to proactively embrace physical activity to reap the physiological and emotional benefits, but the Government has a role to play in making sport as accessible as possible to all Islanders. Candidates, please get behind @JerseySport and carry this momentum through into the next States Assembly - this Island needs policies and actions, not platitudes. "
Michelle Clark

"The importance of securing good levels of physical activity and fitness are increasingly recognised as important features in maintaining an overall sense of well-being and good mental health. Addressing the increased prevalence of loneliness and isolation is also important and taking part in communal activities, especially if they promote fitness, can be of great benefit. Jersey has a great environment and there is real potential to harness this in encouraging people to get active and get involved."
James Le Feuvre, Executive Director of Mind Jersey

"Here at SportsHUB we 100% back the #JerseySport #VoteForSport campaign We believe there should be more money invested in sports and exercise programmes across the board. Facilities for all levels need to be maintained and improved. The island needs become even more active and healthier to save money in the long run. Policies and politicians need to be much stronger on this subject. More investment is needed to get people moving, to get athletes of all levels to competitions and coaching trips. This will in turn help to change the tide on the obesity crisis. Lets join together with like minded people, sports, businesses and Jersey Sport to take the message to government to raise funding for what we all do. "
Ally Meredith [SportsHUB]

"Investing appropriately in sport and active living is not only essential it produces significant mid/long term savings and enhances lives."
Nigel Smith

Robert Boylan

Sadie Boylan

"I’m a personal trainer at quennevais sports centre and I see first hand the benefits of sport and activity. It enriches people’s life’s both physically and mentally. We need to encourage a healthy lifestyle for everyone no matter what your circumstances are. There is something for everyone. Getting active can change life’s."
Carol Wood

"To make it to the next level in sport, high performing athletes have to leave the island to live else where to train. This is because we dont have the facilities needed. By improving our facilities athletes wouldnt need to move away. In addition it would boost participation in sport for new people wanting to get involved. "
Ollie Turner

Linda Parker

"We are a reasonably active family, hubby runs all over the island to train for his marathons, our eldest daughter loves karate, our youngest lady loves flinging herself about at her gymnastics club, both girls have learned to surf, I love the gym and walking the dog on the cliff paths, we all love getting out side. Our youngest always says that when shes with the dog and I on the cliff paths that she can "breathe" when she see the sea - she's 8!!! Our candidates MUST engender an "active" attitude with our youth, that they find acceptable, and not feel self conscious about. Not only is this good for us with the obvious physical benefits, but for the mental health and well being benefits that those amazing endorphins bring. Accessing the Outdoors for All is a key physical and mental health education objective - I'll be exercising my #VoteForSport "
Mary Lincoln

"The potential for sport to enhance the lives of islanders from a physical, mental and social perspective is enormous and can deliver measurable fiscal benefits. Please declare your commitment to putting sport on the political agenda."
Jenny O'Brien

Nathan maguire

Matt przewozny

Elsa fernandes

"Support the athletes"
Jonathan le noury

Sinead Le noury

Cara malorey-vibert

"As a teacher I have seen a decline in the activity and general fitness of children. This will have a future impact on health services and society"
Rebecca Richardson

"Sport is essential for mental and physical health "
Dan cattermole

Alison banks

Yvette Sanders

Lucas surowiec

Megan Whittaker

"Great work,"
Keeling spriggs

Xavier rouxel

Andrew Procter

Pippa procter

"Tourists who would come more if there were more sport activities to do such as sailing."
Colin Robins

"Please promote affordable sporting activities for all ages and all parts of Jersey's population. It will help our physical and mental health."
Ide-Marie Hélie

"Please help increase active lifestyle and sports if your successful in the election. "
William Davey

"Club charge to much and need government support to make activities affordable."
Dom Arnold

Victoria Brown

"Coming from a commonwealth games athlete, jersey needs better sporting facilities, more money needs to be put into sports to further the young people's ambitions and to allow more people to thrive in sports. More needs to be done to overcome obesity in younger children and to prevent antisocial behaviour, as when I myself try to do gymnastics at the fort it is hard when there are lots of other children running riot around the fort. Also when the changes in temperature are not accommodated well and not being allowed to train in the facilities when I need due to our gym club having to book in earlier than the day of training, something needs to change and jersey needs to improve aspects of sport to make it very accessible to everyone. Please sport needs to improve in jersey. "
Rachelle Flambard

Annie Thackeray

"I do climbing but you can only go up to a certain level so i’ll have to go away to complete the rest of the levels. I think that if we had a climbing wall that would be able to go higher in the levels more people would stay here to do the levels instead of going away and maybe some people might come here to try them out."
Meaghan Walshe

Isabella kownacki

Phil McMullen

"It is so important for everyones well being mental and physical."
Clare Roberts

Mark harris

Finlay arenz

"Sport is one of the most important factors in our lives. sports brings us together as a community and gives so many benefits. without endorsing jersey sport for active children we are sending the wrong message to the future generation"
Neil Roberts

Richard pemberton

"This is so important I best. Ore money I. Active living in this beautiful island we live in"
Katy pierce

Josette thorne

T atkinson

"Encouraging sport and exercise is helping in so many other areas, such as wellbeing and mental health, and well as physical health and long term medical problems. It is a way of life that should be encouraged from childhood so that good habits stick. Please support sport!!! "
Charlotte Slater

Josh odonoghue

Johnathon tipping

J Le marinel

Lynda Hayes

"More sport options"
Janine wilson

Charlotte brooks

Ben brooks

"Sport is very important on Island and should get more government support. "
Stephen Hendry

Sandra sariava

"Would like to see more investment in sport. "
Dave Findlay

Norbert szywala

J carter

June pollard

"Promote and invest on more sport and leisure."
Mal Richardson

Shay Bester

Carla Paul

Darren baudains

"More for teenagers to do and keep active that's free."
Gasalle Ambrose

"I agree with this "
K langlois

Grace sherrington

"Support active living in Jersey."
Emily Pinel

Shame Sweeney

Aimee Rolland

Stephanie couillard

Kelly Diggle

Samantha Diggle

Shame Sweeney

Victoria De Abreu

"Sport is great in the holidays!"
Andrew Kelsey

K Kennedy

Matt Le bail

Tiffany truscott

J scott

"Get out there and do things. Live is for living do as many extreme sports as you can, even for the older generation. Get out and be Happy! I’m 81!"
Frances Young

Dominic Leroy

Sara holt

Simon parker

Ashton Breen Faudemer

"Sports very important to stop health issues for our future generations"
Darren blake

Lisette Mayo

Gary mayo

Claire Henstridge

Andy box all

"I want to focus on inclusion in sport for children from less well off backgrounds, so all can benefit from active lives."
Sam Mézec

"Sport should have no restrictions. We are a better society when we are a healthy society."
Tom Coles

"Save our islands health"
Rebecca martin

Duncan foster

"Sport is good for mental health and wellbeing"
Cora Wright

Norma Prouten

Charles Prouten

"Sport and active living is food for island health."
Bruce McNaught

Ian Gower

Paul Gower

"Sport and healthy living is so important."
Summer jones

Andy clatworthy

"Sport activity is important and key to getting children moving. It need to be affordable. "
Betty Woosnam

"Love cycling and so goodnight for your health and getting out. "
Jason Maindonald

"Sport for health is important "
Helen Barnes

"Please can there be more sports for disabled people as we need to keep active"
Frances Rayner

"Swim go life ease pain have fun"
Heather Uwins

Michael Cavey

Ben elliott

Craig channing

"Resurface the cycle circuit at Les Quennivais please "
Toby Aubert

"Jersey is perfect for sport and active living. Government need to do more so more people can enjoyz"
Jenny Moseley

Martyn Gallery

Ann Marie Gallery

Alex Ruddy

"A healthy community is happy community."
Keith Beecham

Fumiko Ishikawa

Sarah Robins

Andrew Robins

Ryan Piziura

Fleur shanson

Louise Langhorn

Harry Langhorn

Stuart Langhorn

Darren Le corre

"Support sport and active living "
Amanda wright

Rena Nelson

Charlie Cadin

Charlotte Bentley

"Sport helps build character and a good attitude. "
Matthew Wilson

Sarah Thorogood

Sylvia krcal wielewicka

"I feel that sport is vital to the community"
Tom Stevens

Ann kent

Karen Aked

Gina Walsh

"I just want change and have my kids and their kids and so on to be looked after"
Arthur Mupezeni

Tracy Luce

"Please ensure that Fort Regent becomes a sports centre with public swimming pool for the east of the island. Aqua splash is too expensive and one has to pay for parking"
Katherine vibert-stokes

"Please consider sport as such an important aspect of island life."
Will Golder

Carl waye

David Peck

Lis waye

Steen lutz

Pauline De Guelle

Karen Andre

Kim Luce

"Free swimming for all local children. "
Linda houze

"Love netball more opportunity "
Jasmine morley

"Don’t forget scouting! "
Anthony Houiellebecq

"Sport is so important in this Island and should be supported and developed. Especially sports which give Islanders the training and development opportunities to be the best. Many big and popular sports do not have a home base and this needs to change so that they can grow and develop and help keep our Island fit and healthy as well as perform at the top levels. Sport also helps build confidence and create leaders and team players so it can do so much more for a child or young person than just keeping them physically fit. Support out sport! "
Taryn Perkins


Sabina jordan

Amanda Ingram

Grace Taylor


"More and more events "
Andrew thomas

Natalia Peciak

Sara Felton

Paul Fosse

"Access to sport should be at least heavily subsided if not free"

"In a growing world of inactivity sport for younger generations is more important than ever."


Holly Brookes

"Our youth deserve Sport as if it was oxygen to grow into healthy, community spirited adults. Adults and especially pensioners need affordable sport."
Sue Falloon

Emma hunter

Tom Killick

Georgia Killick

Bianca Shales

Tracey Appleton

Carl Appleton

Lisa De Veau

Jon Bartlett

Christine Du Heaume

Caroline Quenault

Iain Quenault

Jayne Thomas

Chris Thomas

Tegan Thomas

Christopher Thomas

Mirna Thomas

Josh Pryce

Chris Pryce

Margerate Lynagh

Aly Bellée

Mary Russell

"This is a priority and would save money in the long term. "
JP Guegan

Roman Dumond

Rosemarie Dumond

"Make Jersey healthy"
Sarah Foot

Francis Wood

Louise Banks

Roly du Heaume

"Keep going "
Amie Judge

John De carteret

"More sport in schools"
Stephen Hargreaves

"Do more for health"
Francis Robinson

Ken Sheehan

Loretta Sheehan

Elizabeth Higham

"Please make healthy living a priority for the very young to the very old. "
Charlene Blake

"Sport is a great way to benefit all islanders!!!"
Verity Blowers

Emily Blowers

Danny Bell

James Bell

"Support sport Pool for the east of the Island"
Simon Cross

Wendy Middleton

Steve Middleton

"Please vote for sport as it changes life’s and has a positive impact on so many different factors"
Ollie Brockett

"Actions speak louder than words. Ensure this important initiative becomes a reality in the next government. "
Michael Siouville

Elana Brockett

"Vote for sport!"
Debbie Brockett

"Sport is an integral part of the world and should be considered more at government level"
Lucy Lock

Adam Lock

"We should support sport..."
Keith lajoie

"More free activity’s to help with obesity:"
Ian Mildren

Mary Jones

Tony Jones

Clem Lock

Florence Lock

"Please support active living and sport in future"
Claire Garton

Carl Garton

Naomi Garton

Clare Louise Garton

Ollie Walsh

"Active living needs to be at the forefront of political conversations,please make this happen"
Mark Blowers

Jane Blowers

Jade Richardson

Luke Richardson

Josh M

Lauren Haake

Alan Haake

"Most important consideration for politicians"
Alan Williams

Maggie Williams

"Sort it out Jersey!"
Angela Riley

Craig Riley

Natasha Sloan

Kirsty Quinn

Lisa Nightingale

Lauren Glennie

Winifred Bardwell

Michael Riley

Bernard hockey

"Back Sport and active living!!"
Brian Blowers

"Vote for sport Jersey!"
Joe Byrne

Linda Byrne

Carol Shaw

Malcolm Shaw

Ray Shiletto

Stewart Heppinstall

Josh Harding

Jean Stones

Jess De Castro

Nelson De castro

Kelly Hughes

Fiona mackinnon-fox

Jodie Botterill

Lara Couvert

Nicola Barnes

"Please invest in sport for future generations"
Irene Garton

"Sport needs more funding, please support government!"
James Blaine

"It’s time for change, we need to do for our future children"
Patricia Ward

"It’s time for change, please support politicians!"
Johnny Reed

Kerri Sauvage

Jody Byrne

Rory Jones

Nicola Mackinnon-Fox

Barbara De Gruchey

Barry De Gruchey

"I've been involved in sport since I was 6 and we need to be investing in it so much more to help individuals achieve their potential and achieve their health and wellbeing."

"Exercise and Sport is a cornerstone for good health."
Susan Huelin

"Sport is so important to instil the importance and enjoyment of an active lifestyle right though life. Its so important to have the facilities and opportunities to try out a range of sports to find something that you love and continue to do this throughout your life. Sport is crucial from early years to build fundamental, crucial physical skills and ensure that sport and physicality becomes a lifetime habit. It also builds social and psychological skills such as sportsmanship, self motivation, resilience, self regulation, negotiation, problem solving, team work and persistence that are transferable into all other areas of life. Investment in elite sports provides role models that provide goals to aim at and ascribe society value to attributes other than wealth or celebrity. Societies that invest in sport at all levels are investing in health and and underlying set of values that value wellbeing. "

Sally Parker

"With 3 children growing up on the island all interested in Sport, I would like this to be supported & encouraged. "
Danneka Ramage

"An active lifestyle is fundamental for the mental and physical well being of islanders, old and young. As a teacher and mother I encourage and promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Our representatives in the States must recognise this and support new investment in resources and opportunities to enable as many people as possible to partake in a range of activities. The consequences in the short term on social and community are important but in the long term on health essential. "
Lynette Ferguson

"An active lifestyle is so important. Unfortunately for so many of us the realisation happens in later life. Why not do something about it now, when we have a chance. Let’s make sport a priority. For community and for health."
Niamh Cooper

"Let's get sport and active living into the forefront of everyone's minds making sure the mindset gets passed down to future generations."
Alain Wery

"Time moves on and we are failing our youngsters. They need the correct guidance from their elders and who is more prominently placed than our elected States of Jersey. Invest in education and sport and the Island will be repaid many times over. Stop thinking of an immediate monetary return! Thank you. "
Diane Neal

"Please vote for sport... it can change lives around"
Sara Collins

"Active living #VoteForSport"
Gary Buesnel

"Sport is more than just a Game it is a way of a healthy life both physically and mentally. It fosters team spirit, healthy competition and inspiration and at is core underpins the qualities of society you are elected to uphold. Respect for oneself and for others and in this digital age of smart phones and loads gives young people motivation to get off the couch, exercise and stay out of hospital in later life."
Ricky Weir

"It’s a no brainer, physical activity is good for mind and body, sport is great social interaction creating a sense of belonging."
Eddie Noel

"Physical activity should be a pillar of modern society. Being active can reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, stroke, cancer, diabetes and dementia by 30-50 percent. Start active and stay active. "
Dr. Adam Garnett

"The island has produced some outstanding athletes over the years but many athletes who could have achieved great things have not quite made it due to funding. Without funding behind sport we will only ever see a sporadic number of athletes making it at the top level. With more investment in sport we should be able to see those numbers rise at a steady level but with the correct coaching, psychological and educational support."
Daniel halksworth

Pamela Barnes

Adrian Roberts

Daniel Priestley

Sam Maguire

"We fully support this push to make sure sport and physical activity is in the spotlight in the build up to polling day. We need Jersey to have a well-structured and planned government-backed sports programme in order for the island to produce elite performance athletes. This in turn will be good for everyone"
Paul du Feu, CGAJ

"Sport provides so many opportunities for everyone to have fun, stay fit and socialise. For young people it can provide purpose and teach life skills particularly when there are limited other opportunities locally. In addition the island has the potential to capitalise through sport related tourism and should focus capital spend on improving sporting infrastructure and putting on more events such as SLT."
Andrew Ruddy

Dragos Patrascu

"I believe that a sporty and active living is right for the people who live on this island because then it is easier to stay fit and fight obesity "
Mike Horsfall

"Remove your 'Red Tape'. We have created the Red Tape which slows all your processes down. You must move with the times. Time does not stand still."
Richard Davy

"Jersey can be an example to the world of how sport can play a larger role in life. More and better respected/marked green lanes, daily sport in schools, more children riding to school, more cross-generational sport... Jersey has so much potential! "
Vaughan Robinson

Sarah Watson

Mark Sheldon

Sylvia Spinola

"Sport and the benefits, both socially & physically, that involvement in it brings are important in ensuring that the people of jersey are able to enjoy a healthy lifestyle whilst boosting personal social interaction in this ever increasing digital age. "
Tom Boswell

"Sport has an extremely important part to play in the mental and physical well-being and social cohesion of any community. Young and old all benefit from the physical and social side of activity and sports. Investing in sport is investing in gains. It pays back economically, socially, and medically. Make sport and leisure a priority if you wish to get real value for money spent across the island community."
Bill Aston

"A healthier population will enable less expenditure on attendance at Hospital clinics. We need to encourage everyone to take part in sport wherever possible. For those who cannot participate then we have to encourage them to be more active. "
Carole Penfold MBE

"Please push sport up the political agenda and give it the attention and investment that it deserves. The huge benefits of sport weave throughout the social fabric of our lovely island in such a positive way, and the dividends on prioritising it will be huge."
Alastair Christie

Katherine Luce

"Sport is an integral part of island life, lets support, nurture and develop it for todays and future generations. "
Paul Duckworth

"Sport is crucial for a healthy and fulfilled society, we need the States to lead the way with this and set the example for other countries to follow!"
Jonny Heward

"The benefits are numerous and obvious. Please place sport for all and their facilities alongside other priorities on your political agenda's (not further down the list). Thank you!"
Alison Shenton

"Politicians need to take notice of all the benefits of sport and try to understand the different sports, and treat all sports equally."
Alain Cabaret (CIPSA)

Alex Mollin


Daniel Seviour

Ben Videgrain

Toby Cabaret

"Please make Sport part of your vision for the future of Jersey. Investment into physical activity and the necessary infrastructure will improve health and be socially beneficial to our island. "
Morag Obarska

"Please ensure that Jersey Sport is high on your election focus because it plays a very important part of a healthy and inclusive life."
Dominic Pallot

Charlotte Agnes

"Physical Activity and Sport can have such a positive impact on the lives of those participating. It can reduce the risk of many health diseases, provides social benefits and even contributes to Jersey’s economy. "
Kieron McGovern

Simonne M Dauny


"Support LD sport"
Sam Cross

"Lets prevent the need for a new hospital.. and have a much happier population at the same time..."
George Robertson

Jake Gower

Sophie Le Blond

"The importance of this initiative cannot be overstated. As well as health benefits, sport also has ancillary social benefits - keeping young generations focused on well being and self development - and encouraging positive "can do" attitudes which impact on all aspects of life. Our Island environment and excellent facilities give us a distinct advantage and could enable us to lead the way for future generations."
Scot Laing

Peter Langdon

"It is time for sport in Jersey to receive the support and financial backing that it deserves. Time to promote healthy lifestyles in all, assist the development of talented teams and individuals (of all ages) and encourage participation in all activities not just those that make the headlines. "
Laura Poingdestre

"Please support sport in Jersey"
Ian Furness

"Wenger Out"
Mick Weedon

"Sport should be an essential part of all of our lives, whether it is to keep fit, for fun, or for competition. The physical and mental well-being that participation in sport provides could benefit our entire population, from the very young to the very old. We need to change the culture, so that no one thinks that they are too old, too out of shape, or too busy to exercise. Work / life balance also needs to be redressed and companies need to be actively encouraged to allow their employees to take part in sport either before work, at lunchtime or after work. If that means limiting working hours to those contracted, so be it. We also need to increase physical literacy in our schools. I know this is happening to some extent, but we need to increase the coverage and the rate of change. Finally, we need to encourage people to stop driving and walk, run or cycle to work or school. Traffic and pollution is getting worse and we need to address this now. I implore you all to put this into action so that we avoid serious health issues in the future and make this island a fun, active place to live."
Chris Stephens

Jackie Norman

"most school children spent too much time playing with electronic gadgets, they should be made more aware of the variety of sports that are available to them apart from football and rugby. Arrangements should be made to take them to clubs to identify what sport they might get interested in. Taking part in sport will also help to meet new friends and improve social skills. "
Robert Le Moel

Justin Hewgill

"Please ensure Active Lifestyles are available for all. Young and Old. "
Tony Hoyland

"Healthy Happy people generates a Healthy Happy Society "
Christine Hoyland

"I love sport too."
Ivor. B. I. Gunn

"I love sport too."
Ivor. B. I. Gunn

"I've been involved in Gymnastics for 30 years and during that time no financial support has been provided even though we have asked many a time. We have been left behind in terms of the quality of our facilities by other Islands and Nations and this will only continue unless there is a change in mindset and priority. Our next generation of aspiring athletes & coaches need some light at the end of the tunnel! #VoteForSport"
Ben Frith

Michelle Sherry

"Played, officiated and administered in sport and it has given and still does, give me a lot of pleasure. "Get involved" that's my motto...."
Bob Richardson

"More funding for sport in the island especially for those Islanders that have to travel to compete."
Mark Masterman

"The health of our islanders is everything. A healthy population leads to positivity, vibrancy and engagement across all ages. Our focus should be an investment in prescribing activity which is far more cost effective than prescribing medication. Let’s get Jersey moving! "
Nathalie Le Mottee

"Healthy islanders will create a vibrant, positive & engaged community. Our focus needs to be an investment in prescribing activity rather than prescribing medication. Education about the importance of physical well-being at all ages is key. Let’s get Jersey moving!"
Nathalie Le Mottee

"As a sportsman and a worker and volunteer in delivering sport to the community I want to urge the need to raise sport and physical activity in policy making and funding support particularly at the primary school level. Far too many primary school children are not being introduced to comprehensive sport/physical activity before adolescence at which point the battle becomes harder to keep young people active. I support Jersey Sport in raising the many benefits that sport brings to individuals, the health system and society as a whole."
Nicholas Ferraby

"Vote for Sport - better funding for elite athletes and grass roots clubs. Funding for all sports not just the popular ones like football and rugby but allow everyone to find a sport that works for them. "
Richard Pirouet

"Sport teaches great life skills for people of all ages. Good for both physical and mental health, builds social skills and Sport is fun. Jersey has unbelievable facilities on the Island for a wide variety of Sports and it has highly experienced and motivated people to provide great Sporting experiences. Sport in Jersey should be supported so please support! "
Mark Constable

"There is so much emotional and physical value gained from engagement in sport, whether as an active participant or in supporting roles. The new Assembly must promote policies that build on what is already a strong and successful sporting culture in the Island."
Mike Osborne

Claudia Andrade

"Life should include living, eating, laughter and MOVING If we can all move more, we will live better and longer "
Sally Minty-Gravett MBE

"Sport offers discipline, motivation, team work, healthy lifestyle, everything that you could want for the people of Jersey. The volunteers that run the different associations in the island just ask for 'support'. We will carry on giving of our time and energy, the nurturing of Jersey's youth, we just need 'back up'."
Jackie Nelson

Diana Rickards

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