
Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Jersey Sport Grants Advisory Committee is to advise the Jersey Sport Board on the effective and strategic distribution of available funds for impact towards the Inspiring an Active Jersey Strategy 2020 – 2030.

The Grants Advisory Committee operates under terms of reference agreed by the Jersey Sport Board and these are reviewed annually. The Committee is required to meet a minimum of 4 times per year.

The Grants Advisory Committee has a very clear simple mission:

“To inspire, support and enable an active Jersey through effective grant giving.”


The Grants Advisory committee is committed to a set of guiding principles used to make all allocations and decisions regarding grant making.  The principles below, strive to create a consistent, robust and transparent process by which funds are distributed.  This enables Jersey Sport to reach a wide audience of potential funders, stakeholders, and future applicants.

  • Whole systems approach – achieving the Inspiring an Active Jersey strategy is only possible by collaborating with, and supporting, key stakeholders
  • Relevance – grant funds must be relevant to sport and physical activity in Jersey
  • Impact – to maximise the impact of investment the criteria, processes, terms, conditions, measures, and reporting must be appropriate and proportionate, avoiding unnecessary bureaucracy
  • Fairness – grant giving decisions will be fair, consistent, and based on clearly defined criteria, aligned to the Inspiring an Active Jersey Strategy
  • Accountability – is mutually expected of both Jersey Sport and grant recipients to ensure good governance of grant funds


  • Advising the Jersey Sport Board on the effective and strategic distribution of available funds through grant giving
  • Ensuring relevant grant terms, conditions, and criteria are in place and adhered to
  • Aligning to relevant sponsor’s fund conditions
  • Reviewing and assessing applications against predetermined criteria
  • Providing advice on the relative merits of grant applications
  • Agreeing on a set of effective and strategic recommendations for funding allocation to be presented to the Board for decision making at Board meetings
  • Safeguarding grants and ensuring propriety, efficiency and effectiveness in their use
  • Ensuring that reports and management accounts are accurate and adequate and provide a good basis for planning
  • Ensuring that internal records and controls are adequate
  • Providing the Board with regular reports, management accounts and annual budget for consideration
  • Reviewing ongoing expenditure against budgets, advise on additional expenditure (outside of agreed budget) as under spends are recognised
  • Ensuring that proper risk management is in place
  • Responding to Appeals, as required by the Jersey Sport Board

Read more about the Committee’s Terms of Reference here.


The Jersey Sport Grants Advisory Committee is convened by the Board and comprises of:

  • Jersey Sport Director who will be nominated as Chair
  • Jersey Sport Director who will be nominated as Vice Chair
  • 5 additional Independent members

Total number of voting members will be a maximum of 7.

Find out more about the members on the Jersey Sport Grants Advisory Committee:


Governance of Grant Giving


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