Senior Top 12 Qualifier →
These four Junior R&H Summer Fun Run events are organised by Chris Dorey and Carly Silvester working with the team at R&H who have generously made it possible to make this FREE to all entrants from 7 years to 16 in our Community. Chris and Carly – along with a team of volunteers- has organised FREE Cross Country Races at Jersey Spartan AC for a number of years and hopes these new Summer Fun Runs will become popular and enable youngsters to build fitness in the Summer.
The distances of the run are carefully aligned to the age group and all abilities will be able to complete the run at their own pace. We comply with RunBritain rules on events and we shall aim for every Official and Marshall to support every entrant.
Fun and Friendships Forged through outdoor activity can last a lifetime and should create a wealth of positive experiences. The objective is to keep these “Runs” as low key as necessary but happy experiences for Children and Grandchildren, We encourage both beginners and more experienced young runners to join the events and respect and support their peers. The results are a secondary priority for the majority. The small group of more regular young runners are the exception and we recognise a happy experience is key.
Youngsters who decide they really like the challenge of Running and want to learn how to Train will be assisted to taking some future next steps into Training Groups or enjoying a Training Session. This is opening up doors for young Runners.
The events are being held at the following locations:
22nd May: The Waterfront, St Helier
19th June: Cycle Track , Les Quennevais Sports Centre, St Brelade
17th July: The Waterfront, St Helier
21st Aug: Cycle Track, Les Quennevais Sports Centre, St Brelade
Registration opens: 10:45 am.
Provisional Time table:
12 pm Under 15/17 Boys and Girls 1500m or 3000m
12:45 Under 13 Boys and Girls 1500m (separate races to be held )
1:15 pm Under 11 Boys and Girls 1500 metres (separate races to be held )
1:45pm Under 9 Boys and Girls 750 metres (separate races to be held )
Sports: Athletics, Running
Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Experienced
Suitable For: Children, Disabilities
12:00pm - 02:30pm
12:00pm - 02:30pm
12:00pm - 02:30pm
12:00pm - 02:30pm
La Fregate, Near Freedom Tree, Waterfront, St Helier
Please note that you should always check with the organiser that the event is still going ahead. You should also check the organiser’s safeguarding and health and safety policies prior to attending.