1. BADMINTON (school years 3-10)
Monday 29th April - 15th July
£32 for the term
Gilson Hall, La Pouquelaye
The Summer Term after school programme is an excellent way to introduce your child to a wide range of sports and activities. The programme is all about getting active and having fun and our qualified coaches will help your child develop new skills and make new friends.
Monday 29th April - 15th July
£32 for the term
Gilson Hall, La Pouquelaye
Tuesday 30th April - 16th July
£32.50 for the term
Fort Regent – West Ramparts/Junior Gym Area
Thursday 2nd May - 18th July
£20.80 - £22.40 for the term
Dojo Room, Fort Regent
Thursday 2nd May- 18th July
£32 for the term
Samares School
Mondays or Wednesdays
£32 - £35.20 for the term
Jersey Squash and Racketball Club or Les Quennevais Sports Centre
Monday 29th April - 15th July
£32 for the term
Springfield Sports Hall, Springfield Stadium