


Doping is defined in the World Anti-Doping Code as the occurrence of one or more of the Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs). Just as each sport has rules to determine how it is played or performed, there are Anti-Doping Rules in place to protect clean sport. It’s much more than a positive doping test. 

Awareness and understanding about Anti-Doping is important for all sports participants – not just elite athletes. Some ADRVs also apply to athlete support personnel, such as coaches, managers and medics. There are 11 ADRVs, which are helpfully outlined by UK Anti-Doping: 

The Anti-Doping Rules | UK Anti-Doping ( 


WADA is the World Anti-Doping Agency and was established in 1999 as an international independent agency to lead a collaborative worldwide movement for doping-free sport. WADA’s governance and funding are based on equal partnership between the Sport Movement and Governments of the world. 


Raising the game for clean sport | World Anti Doping Agency ( 


WADA’s primary role is to develop, harmonize and coordinate anti-doping rules and policies across all sports and countries. WADA coordinate research, education, intelligence and investigations around doping in sport whilst developing capacity and monitoring of compliance with the World Anti-Doping Program. 


The purposes of the World Anti-Doping Code and the World Anti-Doping Program are: 


  • To protect the Athletes’ fundamental right to participate in doping-free sport and thus promote health, fairness and equality for Athletes worldwide, and 
  • To ensure harmonised, coordinated and effective anti-doping programmes at international and national levels with regard to the prevention of doping, including education, deterrence, detection, enforcement, and rule of law.  


An update to the WADA Code was launched on 1 January 2021. The Code is an essential document which provides collaboration between anti-doping policies, rules and regulations around the globe and impacts all athletes, coaches and sports organisations. 

 World Anti-Doping Code | World Anti Doping Agency ( 

Major changes from previous Codes are helpfully summarised below: 

PowerPoint Presentation ( 


UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) implements and manages Anti-Doping Policy in the UK. It works with athletes and their governing sport bodies to ensure compliance with the World Anti-Doping (WADA) Code. 

In Jersey, the Government of Jersey are responsible for the management and implementation of local Anti-Doping Policy and compliance with the WADA Code. Jersey’s Anti-Doping Policy requires sports organisations to promote the clean sport message to participants and personnel, including medical professionals, coaches, and sport therapists. The Policy also outlines the sanctions which Jersey athletes could face if they test positive for a prohibited substance. The Government of Jersey are supported by the National Compliance Platform (NCP), a group that were formed in October 2022 to improve and strengthen collaboration between all parties involved in Anti-Doping. 

For more information about the Government of Jersey’s Anti-Doping responsibilities and actions, contact the Anti-Doping Lead at 

Government of Jersey Anti-Doping Policy 

 What support or upskilling options are there for me and/or my sport organisation? 

As part of Jersey Sport’s annual upskilling programme, Anti-Doping awareness workshops are delivered by UKAD instructors to support the guidance and resources that are found within our online SUPPORTIN SPORT resource bank: Resource Bank • Jersey Sport 

 All of Jersey Sport’s training and workshops are free for sport volunteers to access and are available to profit-making sport businesses who also wish to access these local opportunities. 

If your sport organisation would like some further support in regards to Anti-Doping or would be interested in hosting a bespoke workshop for your sport volunteers, please get in contact with the Jersey Sport Team: 

The Clean Sport Hub 

The Clean Sport Hub is UK Anti-Doping’s (UKAD’s) platform for clean sport education. The Clean Sport Hub supports the delivery of innovative and tailored education activities to influence a culture of clean sport. 

As well as support for National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and World Federations (WFs), the Clean Sport Hub provides access to three relevant courses tailored to your role as Athlete, Coach or other relevant personnel working or volunteering in sport:  

  • Introduction to Clean Sport 
  • Coach Clean Sport – for coaches working with athletes 
  • Compete Clean – comprehensive course for athletes 

The hub also provides a ‘100% Me’ Clean Sport App for everything you need to know about clean sport. More information about the online platform and details to download the app can be found on UKAD’s website: 

How do I find out more? 

If there is something that you are looking for which is not covered within the information and resources on this page, please get in touch with the Jersey Sport Team who will be very happy to help you: 


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