
Outcomes & Ambitions
Sporting Opportunities


A proud sporting nation where islanders can play sport to the extent of their ability and desire.


Sport has a key role to play in improving health and boosting the economy. Regular physical activity, including sport, is associated with improvements in over twenty health conditions including obesity, cardiovascular disease and some cancers (1).

Organised Sport

As the lifeblood of any sporting structure, it is vital Jersey develops a strong, vibrant, well-supported club sport scene underpinned by forward-thinking bodies of sport who have a clear pathway in place to develop their sport across all levels.

The Delivery

Inspiring Performances

Performance Pathway programme that support athletes to fulfil their potential to perform on the national and international stage. Grassroots to Greatness.

The Delivery

1. Department of Health. Start active, Stay Active: a Report on Physical Activity from the Four Home Countries’ Chief Medical Officers. London: Department of Health 2011.