

About this privacy policy

Jersey Sport takes your privacy very seriously and is committed to protecting your personal information. This privacy policy sets out the way in which any personal information you provide to us is used and kept secure by Jersey Sport. It applies whenever we collect your personal data (including when you use our website or other digital platforms), so please read it carefully.

About us

We are Jersey Sport Limited. We are a not-for-profit organisation whose mission is “To lead, champion and enable participation and excellence in sport for everyone in Jersey and for the island as a whole, thereby contributing to a healthier, fairer and more attractive society.”

To achieve our mission, we support and deliver sport and active living programmes (which we collectively refer to in this Privacy Policy as the “Services”) in Jersey, these being:

  • Holiday and term-time sport and activity courses
  • Community exercise and referral programmes
  • School curriculum and afterschool lessons
  • Sport support services

Jersey Sport Limited (”we”/”us”) is committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. Jersey Sport Limited is registered with the Office of the Information Commissioner (Jersey) in accordance with that legislation.

How to contact us about your personal data or this privacy policy

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or about your personal data, please write to us at:

Data Protection Officer, Jersey Sport FB Pavillion, FB Fields, Grande Route de St Clement, St Clement, JE2 6QN

What data we may collect

When we provide you with services we may collect and store any personal information that you provide to us. We may collect and process the following types of personal data:

  • Your work and home details, such as email address, postal address and/or telephone number (both landline and mobile)
  • Your medical details
  • Your bank details
  • Details of your social media accounts
  • Family details
  • Details of your professional life including your interests
  • Details of your interactions with us, including any which occur electronically or in person.

Where we collect and manage information about children we will manage it in a way which is appropriate to the age of the child.  Information is usually collected when children are booked onto our activities by parents or guardians. This information can be sensitive personal data if a medical condition needs to be disclosed for the purpose of participation. We will always keep this information secure and will never knowingly send marketing material to children.

We will always seek consent from a parent or guardian before collecting information about children. Our services have specific rules about whether children can participate, and we‘ll make sure advertising for those events is age appropriate.

What we use your information for

All personal information that we collect about you will be recorded, used, and protected by us in accordance with applicable data protection legislation and this privacy policy. We may supplement the information that you provide with other information that we obtain from our dealings with you.

In broad terms we use your data for the following purposes:

  • To administer and provide services you request or have expressed an interest in
  • To communicate with you if any of our services you have requested are unavailable
  • To manage your account and sort out payment
  • To trace and recover any debts incurred
  • To ensure we can contact you (or a relevant family/friend) in the event of an emergency occurred during participation of our services
  • To be compliant with health and safety procedures, particularly in the event of an accident
  • To personalise and tailor any communications that we may send you
  • To enable us to administer any competitions or other offers
  • For profiling purposes to enable us to personalise and/or tailor any marketing communications that you may consent to receive from us
  • For promotional and marketing materials and activities, including photos and videos
  • To look into any complaints or questions you may raise
  • Aid strategic development
  • Other purposes reasonably ancillary to the above.

How we collect your data

We collect your personal data in a number of ways including:

  1. When you register via our website
  2. A paper copy application form when you book a course or are being referred on a course
  3. Online registration of our referral programmes and sports development courses (such as Eventbrite)
  4. Your interaction with our staff both in person and on the telephone
  5. When you email us
  6. Information we collect from our contact on social media (including but not limited to Twitter and Instagram)
  7. Information available publicly. This may include information found in places such as Companies House or through the electoral roll and information that has been published in articles/newspapers.

Under the Law you have the following rights:

  1. You have the right to know what personal data we collect of you and how we process the data we have collected
  2. You have the right to gain access to the personal data we process of you
  3. When your personal data are inaccurate, you have the right to ask us to correct the data
  4. You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data
  5. You have the right to ask us to erase the personal data we hold of you
  6. You have the right to ask us to limit the processing of your data
  7. You have the right to ask us to transfer your data to another data controller’s IT environment
  8. You have the right to ask not to be evaluated on the basis of automated data processing and profiling

We will inform you upon collecting your data for which purpose we intend to process your data or if we intend to disclose your information to any third party for such purposes.

Collection of Information by Third Parties

The Jersey Sport website contains links to other sites whose information practices may differ from those of Jersey Sport. If you should visit such third-party sites, you should ensure that you review the appropriate privacy notices as we have no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by, these third parties.

For the specific privacy policy relating to our website, please see the section further down this page.

Why do we share your personal data?

We may share your data with third parties (a) if we are under a legal or regulatory duty to do so, (b) if it is necessary to do so to enforce our terms of use, terms and conditions of sale or other contractual rights, (c) to lawfully assist the police or security services with the prevention and detection of crime or terrorist activity, (d) where such disclosure is necessary to protect the safety or security of any persons, and/or (e) otherwise as permitted under applicable law.

We might also share your personal data in order to effectively deliver our services.  This might be because another agency has been contracted to provide a service, or because responsibility for particular services is shared across multiple agencies or authorities, such as health and social care. If we share information regularly with another organisation, the conditions for sharing your personal data are set out in an Information Sharing Agreement.

Your personal information will not be transferred outside of the EU.

How we keep your data secure

We take the security of your personal information seriously. If you submit your credit card details to us, we will use industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology to guard your information. We do not store your credit or debit card details in full, following the completion of your transaction.  All card details and validation codes are securely destroyed once the payment has been processed with just the last four digits of your card number being kept. This is used as a unique identifier and is not enough information to take any further payment from your card. Only staff authorised to process payments will be able to see your card details.

In addition, we have security procedures in place to protect our paper-based systems and computerised databases from loss and misuse, and only allow access to them when it is absolutely necessary to do so, and then under strict guidelines as to what use may be made of the personal information contained within them.

We undertake regular reviews of who has access to information that we hold to ensure that your information is only accessible by appropriately trained staff and volunteers. Anyone with access to personal information must sign a confidentiality agreement as part of their contract which, among other things, includes strict regulations on the processing of personal data.

Your right to lodge a complaint with a Data Protection Authority (DPA);

If you have a complaint regarding any aspect of your personal data or this privacy policy, please write to us at the above address. If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may write to the Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner at the following address:

Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner, 2nd Floor, 5 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BT

Email: Telephone: +44 (0)1534 716530

You can withdraw consent or transfer data at any time

You have the right to receive a copy of the personal information that we hold about you. If you wish to submit a request that your data be deleted or transferred, please write to us at the above address. We may charge a small fee towards the cost of administering any request you make.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We will endeavour to keep your information accurate and up to date and not keep it for longer than is necessary. Your personal data is kept in line with Jersey Sport’s Retention Schedule. The retention schedule sets out the kinds of information the organisation creates and uses, how long it should be kept, and what should be done with it at the end of its ‘life’.

Appendix ‘A’ Retention Schedules

Purpose of data Categories of personal data Legal basis for processing Retention Period Shared with third party
Administration and delivery of courses and services Name & Surname

Email addresses

Postal addresses




Medical Conditions

Bank details

Consent 5 years Coaching staff

Health professionals

Supporting sports clubs, associations, coaches and volunteers Name & Surname

Email addresses

Postal addresses



Consent 5 years Industry partners
Marketing of services including newsletters, mailing lists, competition and imagery Name & Surname
Email addresses
Postal addresses
Imagery of people
Consent Newsletter:

5 years


7 Years


5 Years

Data and statistics Gender



Consent 5 Years Industry partners


The Website

This section of our privacy policy relates to the website and governs the privacy of its users who choose to use it.

The policy sets out the different areas where user privacy is concerned and outlines the obligations & requirements of the users, the website and website owners. Furthermore the way this website processes, stores and protects user data and information will also be detailed within this policy.

This website and its owners take a proactive approach to user privacy and ensure the necessary steps are taken to protect the privacy of its users throughout their visiting experience. This website complies to all UK national laws and requirements for user privacy.

Use of Cookies

This website uses cookies to better the users experience while visiting the website. Where applicable this website uses a cookie control system allowing the user on their first visit to the website to allow or disallow the use of cookies on their computer / device. This complies with recent legislation requirements for websites to obtain explicit consent from users before leaving behind or reading files such as cookies on a user’s computer / device.

Cookies are small files saved to the user’s computers hard drive that track, save and store information about the user’s interactions and usage of the website. This allows the website, through its server to provide the users with a tailored experience within this website.
Users are advised that if they wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from this website on to their computers hard drive they should take necessary steps within their web browsers security settings to block all cookies from this website and its external serving vendors.

This website uses tracking software to monitor its visitors to better understand how they use it. This software is provided by Google Analytics which uses cookies to track visitor usage. The software will save a cookie to your computers hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website, but will not store, save or collect personal information. You can read Google’s privacy policy here for further information on .

Other cookies may be stored to your computers hard drive by external vendors when this website uses referral programs, sponsored links or adverts. Such cookies are used for conversion and referral tracking and typically expire after 30 days, though some may take longer. No personal information is stored, saved or collected.

Contact & Communication

Users contacting this website and/or its owners do so at their own discretion and provide any such personal details requested at their own risk. Your personal information is kept private and stored securely until a time it is no longer required or has no use, as detailed in the Data Protection Act 1998. Every effort has been made to ensure a safe and secure form to email submission process but advise users using such form to email processes that they do so at their own risk.

This website and its owners use any information submitted to provide you with further information about the products / services they offer or to assist you in answering any questions or queries you may have submitted. This includes using your details to subscribe you to any email newsletter program the website operates but only if this was made clear to you and your express permission was granted when submitting any form to email process. Or whereby you the consumer have previously purchased from or enquired about purchasing from the company a product or service that the email newsletter relates to. This is by no means an entire list of your user rights in regard to receiving email marketing material. Your details are not passed on to any third parties.

Email Newsletter

This website operates an email newsletter program, used to inform subscribers about products and services supplied by this website. Users can subscribe through an online automated process should they wish to do so but do so at their own discretion. Some subscriptions may be manually processed through prior written agreement with the user.

Subscriptions are taken in compliance with UK Spam Laws detailed in the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003. All personal details relating to subscriptions are held securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. No personal details are passed on to third parties nor shared with companies / people outside of the company that operates this website. Under the Data Protection Act 1998 you may request a copy of personal information held about you by this website’s email newsletter program. A small fee will be payable. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please write to the business address at the bottom of this policy.

Email marketing campaigns published by this website or its owners may contain tracking facilities within the actual email. Subscriber activity is tracked and stored in a database for future analysis and evaluation. Such tracked activity may include; the opening of emails, forwarding of emails, the clicking of links within the email content, times, dates and frequency of activity [this is by no far a comprehensive list].
This information is used to refine future email campaigns and supply the user with more relevant content based around their activity.

In compliance with UK Spam Laws and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 subscribers are given the opportunity to un-subscribe at any time through an automated system. This process is detailed at the footer of each email campaign. If an automated un-subscription system is unavailable clear instructions on how to un-subscribe will by detailed instead.

External Links

Although this website only looks to include quality, safe and relevant external links, users are advised adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links mentioned throughout this website.

The owners of this website cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website despite their best efforts. Users should therefore note they click on external links at their own risk and this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.

Adverts and Sponsored Links

This website may contain sponsored links and adverts. These will typically be served through our advertising partners, to whom may have detailed privacy policies relating directly to the adverts they serve.

Clicking on any such adverts will send you to the advertisers website through a referral program which may use cookies and will track the number of referrals sent from this website. This may include the use of cookies which may in turn be saved on your computers hard drive. Users should therefore note they click on sponsored external links at their own risk and this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.

Social Media Platforms

Communication, engagement and actions taken through external social media platforms that this website and its owners participate on are custom to the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies held with each social media platform respectively.

Users are advised to use social media platforms wisely and communicate / engage upon them with due care and caution in regard to their own privacy and personal details. This website nor its owners will ever ask for personal or sensitive information through social media platforms and encourage users wishing to discuss sensitive details to contact them through primary communication channels such as by telephone or email.

This website may use social sharing buttons which help share web content directly from web pages to the social media platform in question. Users are advised before using such social sharing buttons that they do so at their own discretion and note that the social media platform may track and save your request to share a web page respectively through your social media platform account.

Shortened Links in Social Media

This website and its owners through their social media platform accounts may share web links to relevant web pages. By default some social media platforms shorten lengthy urls [web addresses] (this is an example:

Users are advised to take caution and good judgement before clicking any shortened urls published on social media platforms by this website and its owners. Despite the best efforts to ensure only genuine urls are published many social media platforms are prone to spam and hacking and therefore this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any shortened links.

Terms and Conditions for £250 Sports/Physical Activity Voucher – Prize Draw

By entering the £250 voucher prize draw, you agree to the following terms and conditions: 

  1. Eligibility
    This competition is open to individuals who have completed the three-month post programme survey. Participants must be 16 years or older and reside in Jersey.  
  2. How to Enter
    To enter the prize draw, participants must complete the survey in full. Only one entry per person will be accepted. The survey must be completed in its entirety to qualify for entry into the draw. 
  3. Prize
    The prize is a £250 voucher, which can be used towards a sports membership, sporting activity, or sporting equipment from a sports store or sports website (subject to Jersey Sports prior approval). The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash or transferred. 
  4. Draw Details
    The prize draw will take place quarterly, and the winner will be selected at random from all valid entries received by the closing date. The winner will be notified by email within 7 days of the draw date. 
  5. Claiming the Prize
    The winner must claim their prize within 14 days of being notified. If the prize is not claimed within this time, the prize may be forfeited, and a new winner will be drawn. 
  6. Personal Data
    By entering the prize draw, participants consent to the collection and use of their personal data for the purposes of administering the draw and notifying the winner. For further information on how we handle personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy. 
  7. General Terms
    1. Jersey Sport reserves the right to cancel or amend the prize draw and these terms and conditions without notice. Any changes will be posted on this page. 
    2. The decision of Jersey Sport regarding the winner is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. 
    3. By entering this prize draw, participants agree to these terms and conditions.
  8. Governing Law
    These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Jersey. 


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