
Jersey Sport sets out Inspiring an Active Jersey plan

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Jersey Sport has today (Wednesday 2 September) set out how the Government’s new Inspiring an Active Jersey strategy will be delivered through collaboration between Government departments, the island’s volunteer and community sectors, and business.

The strategy, published by the Government of Jersey, sets the vision of making Jersey a healthier, more productive and fairer society by being one of the most physically active populations in the world. The mission is to increase physical activity by 10%, by 2030.

Currently in Jersey, 49% of adults and 81% of children and young people do not meet the World Health Organisation’s guidelines for physical activity.* This means these adults and children are not active enough to have a positive impact on their health and well-being.

Senator Steve Pallett, Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, with responsibility for sport, said: “This collaboratively-produced strategic framework sets out the Government’s ambition for islanders’ physical wellbeing. Achieving this ambition will also have a positive impact on the mental health of our population, and I will continue to support Jersey Sport in enabling the much-needed change. Preventing ill health and disease has to be better than having to cure it, so this project – with its long-term aims involving many stakeholders and hopefully every islander – will help us achieve our targets.”

The strategic framework developed for sport and active living in the island includes, themes, outcomes and ambitions – all of which will be delivered over the next ten years.

Phil Austin, Chairman of Jersey Sport said, “Jersey faces a significant challenge to increase physical activity and participation in sport amongst islanders over the next few years. It will involve many agencies working together collaboratively to encourage behavioural change amongst Jersey’s population. Jersey Sport’s mission is to support islanders with their journey to increase their health and wellbeing through sport and physical activity. This marks a huge milestone for the organisation as it continues to deliver its initiatives and programmes to get islanders moving more.”

The benefits from physical activity are plentiful at both a societal and individual level, and having an active population needs to be a priority that runs through the fabric of Jersey. The Government of Jersey’s Common Strategic Policy for 2018-22 has set out the strategic priorities and provides some of the context in which the Inspiring an Active Jersey Strategy sits and the strategic priority it will deliver against.

This is the first time that sport and active living has been referenced as a priority in a Government plan and represents a major step forward in Government’s understanding of the role it can play as an enabler to achieving the strategic ambitions for Jersey.

Catriona McAllister, CEO at Jersey Sport explained further, “Delivering the vision and mission of the strategy will require long-term collaboration and determination. People’s attitudes towards sport and physical activity are often shaped as a child, and barriers and influences are often carried into adulthood. Jersey Sport are working hard to deliver a range of activities and programmes to support and encourage the least active in Jersey to move more. From children’s term-time and holiday activity camps, to Move More Jersey exercise classes, to the new inclusive cycle centre for those living with disabilities, we’re providing a chance for islanders to incorporate more physical activity into their lives. We want everyone to experience the fun and health benefits moving more can bring them and prove it can improve their quality of life.”

To find out more about Inspiring an Active Jersey, the themes, outcomes, ambitions and delivery of the strategy, please visit:


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