
Outcomes & Ambitions
Sports Facilities


Inspirational, high quality, accessible facilities, which inspires, supports and delivers an active Jersey.

To find out more about the Government of Jersey’s vision for the development of new sport and wellbeing facilities across the island over the next 10 years, please visit:



The built and natural environment has a key role to play in helping people to become more active. The way that urban areas are planned makes a significant difference to how easy it is for people to move around by foot and on a bicycle (10).

Ease of access, affordability and programming of activities are the foundation for building an active population.

Facility Strategy for Sport

Establish a long term strategy for improving sports facilities which is incrementally implemented, ensuring islanders have access to inspiring, affordable, well-programmed facilities which support active lifestyles and competitive sport.

The Delivery

Indoor Sports Facilities

Geographically balanced provision of indoor sports facilities which support islanders to be active. Built on a culture of excellent customer service, the programmes will offer a wide variety of opportunities to individuals and clubs. Pricing and accessibility will ensure access for all.

The Delivery

Outdoor Sports Facilities

Jersey will endeavour to provide a wide rang of public outdoor playing fields and other outdoor sports facilities which will be maintained to a standard dictated by the competitive standard required.

The Delivery

10. 7. Age Concern, Arrhythmia Alliance, Association of Directors of Public Health, et al. Take Action on Active Travel. Bristol, 2008.